Credits music?

Anyone know what is the music being played as the end credits run? (I mean the name of the piece and composer of that piano music being played.) Thanks.


All I know is it is an Italian art song I used to sing in high school during voice lessons. I'll research and get back at cha because it is driving me nuts. I am now humming it all day long.



It is an aria. I went on checked out famouse arias and recognized the italian title. You can take a listen.

Gianni Schicchi: O mio babbino caropera

I love it when I can find the treasure!


O mio babbino caro?

I'm afraid not. That is a very famous and easily recognizable aria from "Gianni Schicchi." It is best known to the non-opera loving cinema-goer from "Room With a View." The end credits of "Italian for Beginners" are accompanied by a very simple piano rendition of a non-operatic tune.

Please listen to it again and keep researching. Thanks.


I just watched this on DVD, sorry it has been so long since you asked your question.

My girlfriend is sure that the song is the aria Quando Me'n Vo Soletta Per La Via by Puccini, from La Boheme.

If you want to find a CD, it will be on La Boheme or probably any Puccini's greatest hits title.


I think she is right. Bravo to your girlfriend, i mille grazie.


However, Karen did hum O Mio Bambino Caro at one point during the movie.

