This movie in a Bible study

This movie is a perfect base for a bible study.

In the book Finding God in the Movies; 33 Films of Reel Faith by Robert K. Johnston & Catherine M. Barsotti you can find a complete chapter dedicated to this movie!


How can you say that Italian for Beginners are a good base for a bible study?
There is no hidden message..!
Nothing to do with god, ore anything holy..

I don't see how you can say its a perfekt base for bible study!?


>>How can you say that Italian for Beginners are a good base for a bible study?
There is no hidden message..!
Nothing to do with god, ore anything holy..

>>I don't see how you can say its a perfekt base for bible study!?

It is perfectly clear concerning the subject of community & friendship.

Okay, it is R rated for profanity and sexual scenes, but it is also about loneliness, prayer, renewing the church, affirming the human spirit, brokenness, celebration, clergy, faith, food, hope, love, materialism.

Read also Proverbs 18: 24, Ecclestiastes 2: 24-25, Ecclestiastes 4: 9-12, Matthew 25: 35-36, 40 & 1 Corinthians 13: 7

AND read the book :-)


Im sorry, are we still talking about the movie "Italian For Beginners"??





Hi mathijs6,

I have tried to say something to this topic earlier, but I never got any response.


I liked the film a lot. One of the reasons I found the story / plot so special (so close to my heart) because it is about the little people. Little people like Mary and Joseph. And God shows himself to these little people - as much as when Christ is born in a stall as when our characters "find each other" (and I don't mean the love relationships). The scene when it becomes obvious is: Giulia prays to Mary in the kitchen of the Italian restaurant. Not only is it Christ's "birthday" - Christmas Eve -, but it is striking too that she works even on this evening.

And I like this "searching for hope", seen by many of the characters - not all of them -, looking for something to do, going to Italian lessons. Italy: warm, pretty, secretive, something far away, full of love, etc. It isn't important really that it's Italy (Italian), but that they have begun searching.



I didn't know there was such a book. Thanks for mentioning it. My church uses DVDs pretty often and I'll see if they have this book.

I do think this would be a good movie for a church class.
