The collar the pastor wears

What is the collar the pastor wears? Is this a typical thing in the Netherlands?
Really liked this movie.


I don't remember it vividly, but I suppose it looks something like this:

Yes, it's a traditional DANISH thing (nothing to do with the Netherlands ;).

The wikipedia article says that it's a traditional danish suit worn by commoners in the 1600's. Since, it's become official suit for pastors.

It is only worn in Denmark, Iceland and some parts of Northern Germany. It is only worn by regular preachers in the church. Higher ranked pastors and bishops (or what their title is) have different clothing.


Its actually a reverse grummit.

First designed by Father Bjorn van Pettersen and worn on specific holy days, especially the Feast of St Olave.

The characteristic shoes are Grorn shoes specific to elderly male penitents.


I see similar collars worn by men and women in paintings from Elizabethan England. I also resd a particular English noble woman made them fashionable back then and she was later sentenced to be beheaded for treason. The judge said she should be executed for that stupid collar alone. I guess they were expensive, hard to clean and irritating to wear.
