3 feet

Does anybody know why the call Miami Vice's sidekick 3 feet?


its never explained in the series
but i took it to be something from his boxing days

in 200 smoking kalashnikovs you see 3 feet used to be a boxer
some sort of nickname from that i guess

-today's weather forecast, dark and cloudy with a chance of driveby


maybe he has a big cock


maybe you ARE a big cock

-today's weather forecast, dark and cloudy with a chance of driveby


I was told it was a reference to his burying people in shallow graves, i.e. 3 feet under instead of 6.


actually it's something else (at least I'd bet it is).

They used the F word a bit on this series, but not the C word that I can remember.

Anyway - underworld slang (I've heard this said both by older blokes locally, and a couple that settled here from the UK (I am in Australia). Now the expression or nickname someone is given if they are down and dirty (i.e. ruthless, without any scruples) is ankles.

Inevitably people ask 'why is so and so called ankles' and the response is (I've heard 2 feet used as well) - ' because they are 3 feet lower than a **** ' (word starting with C and a vulgar expression that refers to a female's genitalia or a person someone dislikes intensely...




I'm pretty sure there was a C Word used in "...and a good slopping out".

"No man yet found drinks his tea blacker"
