MovieChat Forums > To End All Wars (2001) Discussion > sure the japanese treated us bad, but we...

sure the japanese treated us bad, but we were no angels to them either!

war is war, and war brings out the worst in people!
order needs to be kept to win a war, german soldiers, japanese ,russian, british, all have a code of conduct to keep to retain order and command.
if that tie is broken it's the difference between winning and losing.

in the British navy in the 16th-18th century, sailors were more afraid of their own officers than the enemy because officers would discipline insubordinate men with brutal floggings and even death!

so for this war, American soldiers and allied forces didn't take to many prisoners earlier on, because we were taught to hate them, like racists, like they were animals, which they were, but we would capture them and just execute them where they surrender, if the Japanese didn't already kill themselves out of shame.
but we were racist towards them with fueled hatred, the japanese soldier and the german soldier were just doing their jobs and duty and trying to keep order.

sure NZ, Australia, India, those allied forces kept japanese prisoners in good comforts, the russians treated them REAL bad and didn't even release them after the war kept them as prisoners, working the gulags.
even the brits and the yanks kept thousands of japanese prisoners for many years after the war ended before sending them back!
I am sure we tortured and killed plenty too

unfortunately Japan like Germany had a way to indoctrine it's young people.
taught that it's shameful to surrender, more honor in killing yourself.
I guess similar indoctrine can be witnessed with kseping slaves.
or the AMericans segregating blacks, even during the war times!
so hated and racism was rife.

so we can't blame the captors, sure some were sadistic, but I am sure there are Japanese stories of white allied soldiers and captures torturing and mistreating them too.

Young allied forces men would of been pretty happy when they caught some japanese soldiers, I am sure they would of had some fun with them!
plenty of them would of tortured them and just killed them where they stand!

A lot of Allied troops were racist while the Japanese were not racist, they were brainwashed and indoctrinated to believe they were dominating the world.

we don't see hollywood movies of how allied troops treated the japanese.
maybe in japan? I dont know.

but we know the Chinese guerrilla fights were master tortures. japanese were afraid to be captured by the chinese because that would mean a slow tortured death.

I know of plenty of accounts where the US forces us to openly ridicule, torture and embarrass japanese soldiers, Well it's still happening today in Iraq too.

so before you all think the Japanese soldiers were all ruthless, don't worry, we we just as horrible!
we were raping their women, killing civilians, all through world war 2, korea, vietnam, iraq!

The British when we invaded India my god man, we annihilated those poor people
we use to kill hundreds for fun! the accounts from those colonial wars are terrifying when you read them how we treated those people.

how we treated the maori, the Australian Aboriginal, the french!, the native Americans, the slaves!

so let's not all get teary eyed over how the japanese treated us!


I am sure there are examples of brutality ... by Americans ... against Japanese and Germans ... that are quite alarming. But I am from a small town in SW Michigan where there was a POW camp. It's population was mostly German. Security was minimum and they basically waited out the war and farmed for survival. These prisoners were given top notch medical treatment as well. When the war ended several prisoners tried to remain in the US. This did not happen to Americans being held by Japanese and Germans. We did not force our prisoners to build railroads in jungles. By far the Americans and British treated their POW's beter than the Germans and Japanese and Russians!
