MovieChat Forums > Stuart Little 2 (2002) Discussion > martha little, worst baby ever

martha little, worst baby ever

hi all, love the film but the little girl or rather the twins were so mrisible, mostly in film you get one smile, i wasn't thinking so sicky sweet ala mary kate & ashley but not to smile once. why did she ever get chosen! i know most family's have one sad act but i didn't think it was possible at the age of 18 months

Thunderbirds Aren't Slow


One thing I've noticed about Martha Little:

When the Little Family go searching for Stuart, after George gets in trouble, Mr. Little picks up the little baby carriage that supposedly, Martha Little rests in - when they leave the house. It is super super small, as if it were meant for a new born or one-year old baby... though at the end of the movie, Martha is being held by Mr. Little, and she looks a lot bigger. She looks like a toddler, way too big for that small carriage.

And I have to admit, that baby, or those two twins who played the role of her... I agree. they are miserable, and that annoyed me.



It's probably bcuz they were treating her as though she was at least half the age that she was. This kid looks about 2, yet during the entire movie, she doesn't take a single step. She's either carried around by Mom Little, or she's in the stroller. Even worse, they stuck her in that newborn car seat. I don't blame her for being miserable.



you know that is a good point, why didn't they just leave her as a two year old who didn't speak but was an active character. also the fact she could but was being told to keep silent may have had something to do with it, my neice didn't talk until she was 3, nothing wrong with her it just she was a late developer. that would have made the story more intresting

Thunderbirds Aren't Slow
