
Does anyone know if the film is available on Video? And if it is, where can I buy it?


The film was released on DVD in Japan. Image quality is extraordinary. It is in the German original version with Japanese subtitles. It is available at This is the link:


Hallo Karl-Mauk,

ich war auf der Seite für das Video, aber es kommt nur Heiden/Zahavi. Den Film "Der Kus meiner Schwester" findet man nicht. Könnte man sonst noch irgendwo den Film bekommen?

Gruß, Ivy


Wonderful, now if we could just find some English subtitles, things would be peachy.

"...nothing is left of me, each time I see her..." - Catullus


Know its old thread, but for those who come in here wondering about the same thing, this movie has not ever been released with English subtitles as far as I know. There is the German original version sold on, and there is the Japanese dubbed version available in Asia. Any other chance to get a dub or a subtitle, it will have to be on your country's national television.

I was luck to see it on Norwegian television in a subbed version in my language. Although I do understand german, but it still helps to have the subtitles.

So good luck to anyone in finding it :)
