Is the diary outmoded?

Has anyone here abandoned a private diary for a public blog over the past decade? If so, why did you do it and how do you feel about the transition?

Who here hates blogging and prefers the personal diary?

Agree or disagree? ... the internet has effectively killed off the private diary.



I keep a private journal. Although blogs and other outlets are available these days, I feel like those avenues encourage sharing. Traditional journals are private, and being a private person, I prefer to keep a journal. I used to hand-write it when I was young, these days I just have a Word document that I update every once in a while.

So in short, I don't think the diary is outmoded. It depends on the person.

Dean: Driver picks the music, shotgun shuts his cake-hole.


I used to keep a personal handwritten diary when I was younger. I no longer have a private journal. I write little notes here or there before crumbling them up but that's about it.

I started writing in online journals as a teen. It was pretty exciting sharing with others, but I didn't really share my deep, private thoughts with others. It was usually about interests, movies, politics, that sort of thing like with this forum. I still have an online journal but I no longer share. It's for my eyes only.

Perry: "You, stop multiplying!"


That's interesting. I've never heard of anyone keeping a private, online journal. Don't know whether that's unusual or not.


stickemup - No it's not unusual to have a private, online journal. Most online journal sites (e.g. livejournal, blogger etc) have the option of being a public or private journal (as well as having the option to make individual posts private) so I imagine a lot of people take advantage of this option.


I can't see diaries/journals ever really going out of fashion. People always want to write down their thoughts and experiences, and most of the time they don't really want these broadcast. That's why, if anyone ever stumbles across your diary and reads it, it feels such a violation.

Do you have any talents?
Well, I'm an Alcoholic.


I've currently started a private diary for expressing my thoughts. Basically just putting my inner monologue into words. I don't update everyday but when I do, I write a lot. I can't see myself doing this online or on a Word document. It just wouldn't be as personal.


I used to keep a diary & did so for several years until an *beep* former boyfriend found them, read them then threw what he read back in my face. After that, I was done with him and done with the diary.



He got his in the end. He's been divorced twice, I'm happily married for 25 years!



I keep a very private diary, but I also have a blog but don't write any personal stuff there. I will never talk about my inner thoughts, sex-life or my family online...that is stuff for my diary ;)

In case of misspelling words, I'm Norwegian


Not at all!

I did try a couple years back to keep an online, private diary- just to see what it was all about. I didn't like it. There is something about writing in an actual diary that cannot be replaced! I love to add pictures, stickers, and pieces of my day in there.

You can link photos into an online diary, but it's not the same by a long shot.

Little girls shouldn't look for four leaf clovers!


>>>There is something about writing in an actual diary that cannot be replaced! I love to add pictures, stickers, and pieces of my day in there.>>>

This exactly, Chara Angel. 


On your feet, Sam.


I'm 24 and have kept private hand written journals since I was about 9 or so, and believe I always will. The only thing that's changed with technology is that I've taken to writing my thoughts out on a Word document first before transferring them over to my actual journal. I think faster than I write, but not as I type, so it's become an easier way to get out all of of my thoughts and not miss anything :)

I've never fooled anyone. I've let people fool themselves.


Why would anyone want to have a public diary that sounds like a horrible nightmare! Anyways, blogging isnt necessarily the same outlet as a diary or journal. I feel like blogging is more for sharing experiences, ideas, art, and so on and diaries are for personal ideas and a place for very private thoughts and situations just for yourself.


I still keep a diary. I'm 62. I've got about 40 volumes of writing since I'm 12.

