MovieChat Forums > Bridget Jones's Diary (2001) Discussion > Can a guy enjoy Bridget Jones?

Can a guy enjoy Bridget Jones?

Is Bridget Jones's DIary ok for guys & girls?

These are 7 films that are definitely girly... but can we guys also enjoy them? y-night/


Yeah, it's fine. If you like self-deprecating humor.

I suggest watching something like How to Lose a Guy in Ten Days. Hilarious. You get both the male and female sides of the story rather one biased view.

Perry: "You, stop multiplying!"


Oh did not just suggest How to Lose a Guy in Ten Days as a better "story". I'm not saying Bridget Jones was perfect but I would pick to watch that movie over HTLAGITD any's romantic comedy schlock. There's good romantic comedies and movies like the one you suggested are ruining it for the rest of them. Please don't spread the stupidity to least suggest a good chick movie that actually makes romantic comedies look good.


I didn't suggest that movie as the best option. I suggested it as an option to view. It's up to the OP if he wants to watch it or not.

Perry: "You, stop multiplying!"


It shouldn't even be an option aka it shouldn't have been made in the first place.


A guy can definitely enjoy Bridget Jones's Diary. Although it was based on the Helen Fielding novel, the screen play was co-written by Richard Curtis who knows how to make a movie appealing to men as well as women.

Of the 7 movies listed, BJD is your best bet to enjoy.


I think there are a few romcoms enjoyable for both men and women. My top 3 suitable for both are:

- Bridget Jones
- Love Actually
- Bridesmaids.... I wouldn't even classify this one entirely as a romcom though, some men just seem to be scared off by it because it's a female dominated comedy about weddings, which is a shame, it is a genuinely great comedy with plenty of 'guy humour'.

It's films like Mamma Mia, Sex and the City etc which I admit, aren't to the taste of most average blokes.


The movie is cheesy to me.. But the only one I could recommend for BOTH men and women would be Dirty Dancing. Killer soundtrack.. And of course BJD as well.. 10 Things I Hate About You I could watch once.. But not all too often. Beyond that I think I've seen most of the list and wouldn't recommend them.

My list would include: Blast from the Past, 40 days and 40 nights, Notting Hill, Love Actually, Princess Bride and When Harry Met Sally.. And more ROM com musical I would add Grease and Little Shop of Horrors.


Oh.. And 2 more additions.. Fools Rush In and About a Boy.. I'd also say the ORIGINAL British Fever Pitch with Firth, not the American remake.


I had always hear it was good and watched it for the first time the other night. I'm a guy and I really enjoyed it.


Is 'About a Boy' a "chick flick"? I never would've thought of it as being one!



All movies are ok for guys and girls. It doesn't matter if it's a "chick flick", a guy can still enjoy it.


It has 4 or 5 good-looking women in it. Just having them to look at goes a long way. But, also, the humor is good.
