
Why is it rated R in the US while in Australia it's rated PG and France rated U?

"Even artichokes have hearts"


There's a scene of male full frontal nudity. It's.... uncut. ;)

I guess Americans are just more prudish about that sort of thing.



"Even artichokes have hearts"


I just watched the movie, and I must say, these Americans are completely crazy. Yes, they are prudish. There is absolutely nothing obscene in that scene, the guy is naked and sits on the edge of his bed, his annoying young girlfriend is talking too much and he doesn't really listen.
This is NOT a porn scene or so, really!!

You see his genetalia, but not erect or in any way active, so I really don't know why these Americans are acting like this is a sex scene. It really is not!

Oh, and I gave the review in the entrance a "No", just because she said this movie was great for a school showing BUT unfortunately there is this male nude scene...

I am German, now living in the US and really annoyed by this attitude. What would these idiots think if they were just walking through a german groceries store, where all the magazines with bare-breasted girls are layed out right before the check out? Would they just faint, cover their children's eyes???


Ja, there are definitely some very different attitudes here in America. Many American tourists would indeed be scandalized to see girlie magazines openly displayed at Germany's supermarket checkouts. Many are also quite shocked (although some are quite appreciative) to see topless sunbathers in Germany's city parks. And then, when they find out how difficult it is to buy guns in Germany, they would probably say, "These Germans are completely crazy."


Yeah, we're prudish. It's why we produce more pornography than any other nation on Earth by a factor of 20.

So, do yourself a favor... and shut the f up.

It's obvious that you can't stand where you live and so you must tear down others to make yourself feel better.

"Dead things go downstream, Mother. Life is upstream!"


We all so happy for you.
And must be very proud for your silicone boobs and fake cum shots, so this is nice to be proud of something substantial.


Yeah, we're prudish. It's why we produce more pornography than any other nation on Earth by a factor of 20.

1st let me say that I'm American & I agree that our culture is VERY hung-up when it comes to nudity, & sexuality in general. But mainly I'm posting to point out to you that *nudity/sexuality in films* & *pornography* are two very different things. They are not comparable at all. To say that Americans crank out "more porn than any other nation on Earth by a factor of 20" (& whether or not that's even a fact, I can't confirm. But I wouldn't be at all surprised if it was.) as an indication of our open views of sex doesn't work. And it's certainly not something to celebrate. Actually, it only serves to highlight one disturbing result of our suppression: that instead of healthy views of nudity & sexuality, which would be the result of a cultural embracing of the human body & our innate sexuality as a natural & good thing, 'we' turn to porn as an outlet for our repressed sexuality. We've made something that's natural & pure into something dirty & deviant, & now it's the only way many Americans know how to view it, & express it.
The general sentiment in your post only drives this point home. And further, it's not a good reflection on American culture as a whole, despite what you evidently think. It's certainly not my view, nor the view of most Americans I'm acquainted with.

"Hey, how come Andrew gets to get up? If he gets up...we'll all get up...IT'LL BE ANARCHY!!"


Look up the word 'culture' in the dictionary. There's your answer. You don't have to understand, that's just how it is.
Have a nice day.


was it uncut? I couldn't tell from the camera angle what the guy's knob end was....
good eye, though!

