MovieChat Forums > The Lone Gunmen (2001) Discussion > Attention The Lone Gunmen

Attention The Lone Gunmen Board.......starting epp 1 Jan 8th

Greetings Lone Gunmen board. We are a group of folks that like to watch mostly 1 season shows from the beginning and working all the way through to the end. We watch one show a week on Friday and then discuss over the next few days. Anyone here who is interested, we will start episode 1 on 1-08-10. We have never failed to finish a show but Night Gallery (season 1 ) was close, The previous shows we have watched are:
The Time Tunnel
Kolchack the Night Stalker
Night Gallery Season 1.
Come and join us and lets have some fun......word of caution though, we can be pretty harsh in some of our criticism of these shows and have ruffled feathers of some pre existing board members in the past. We mean no harm just calling it the way we see it, we also tend to disagree with each other often on whether it's a good episode or not ...Never Forget Nero's
Looking forward to episode 1 to see what we have gotten ourselves into this time.
See you on the 8th.


Can't wait! Merry Christmas and a Happy New year to All


Still need to get the disc from Netflix ... but should have it by next week.

I at least want to see episode 1 again - haven't seen it since it was on.


Checking in, Happy New Year to All.

Spent New Years eve sitting under the palm trees on a very tropical beach watching the fireworks. What I've seen of weather reports from the NE on sat TV, may cause me to extend my stay for a few weeks!

No problem though, I copied DVD #1 to my HD, so barring natural calamity or unannounced Coup d'état, I'll be back here next week when we get the ball rolling.

"if it was any good they'd have made an American version by now." Hank Hill


Seems like all the agents are checking in....Hopefully we will have a full complement when we kick off Friday......Hope it's good.


Ready to go now have the series in hand. Let's get after it.
