MovieChat Forums > South Pacific (2001) Discussion > Glenn too old for role!!

Glenn too old for role!!

Did anybody think Glenn Close was way too old for Nellie? Nellie is a 19 year old girl in the book, Glenn looks at least 50 years old or older!!
Glen also does not have a very good voice, her voice is thin and weak, very average singing voice. This has to be Glenn's worst casting ever!!


Well for me....though her age is a factor....I think the bigger issue is...she's not made to be Nellie.
Everytime I think of Close I think of her in Sunset Boulevard...and well that isn't really Nellie-ish.
I just can't put Close and Nellie together....
I mean the best Nellie I've seen was Reba McEntire and she's 51...
But Reba's age didn't even matter that much simply because she was born to play Nellie.
Let's face it.
Number one Reba's from Texas....a shoe in to play a girl from Little Rock.
Number two she's a counrty music star...hello? Country girl from Little Rock + singing = Country music star. So her voice is perfect.
Number three she was in the Annie Get Your Gun dosen't get much better than that.
I dunno.
I just think Close is ALL wrong for the part.
Her age is a factor....but not the main one.

Legally he's right, ethically he's an ass."~Jack Bristow ALIAS


Yes, but it isn't the first time movie makers have done something like this...Diana Ross as (young girl) Dorothy in the Wiz...Olivia Newton John as (high school student) Sandy in Grease.unfortunately it likely won't be the last. RHIP.


Yes, but they are all too old. This is a problem with war movies, they always use actors that are at least ten years too old and sometimes forty. I'll bet the average age of a soldier in WWII was probably 21 or 22. I look back at my own photos from Vietnam and the first thing I notice is the baby faces of the men. I don't know why Hollywood does this but it's very common. I thought this movie was pretty good. I was never a big fan of the old movie, especially Rossano Brazzi, who I felt was too old, too formal and operatic for the part. And I am glad they cut some of the song Bali Hai in this newer version because it was way too long and weird in the original. I missed Happy Talk as did everyone else.


Well Mary Martin was no Spring chicken when she created this role originally!


Glen was WAY too old, and Mary Martin WAS a spring chicken, in comparison. Glenn was 54 in 2001, Mary Martin was a mere 36 when it opened on Broadway in 1949. And as for Nellie being so much younger than DeBecque....Glenn is only ONE year younger than the actor playing DeBecque!!!


Mary Martin was a generation younger than Glenn Close, (36 compared to 54) and more importantly, Martin was on stage, 80 ft from the audience, not in a movie with constant closeups.


And voice wise, Close isn't even in the same league as Martin.

This shouldn't have been made.
