MovieChat Forums > The Sleeping Dictionary (2003) Discussion > Are Jessica Albas nude scenes really her...

Are Jessica Albas nude scenes really her? or a Double?

anyone knows?


duh, no it wasn't really alba, it was her obvious double. Anyone should know that.


Hint: Anyone trying to make someone else feel stupid, foolish, or asinine should not use the word "duh."

"Aaawwwww, what's in the box? What the f#@k's in the f#@king box??"


I'd say double. We never see her face when breasts are exposed, not to mention they don't appear to be anywhere near Jessica's bust size or firmness. Watch Sin City or even some bath-tub an t-shirt scenes back in Dark Angel. Now some of it can be faked with special bras and the like, but not to the degree it seems to be here. Double all the way which pissed me off because that's the only reason I rented this piece of crap!




yea no joke the tip is you never see a full body shot up to her head any shot whare u do see her face she's cleverly concieled


ya is a major shame that it was shot with a double. like he said that was the hole reason that i rented the show. but i have to admit that it was a really good show none the less. DAWN SHE IS HOT!!


sorry, says it was a body-double/stunt-butt.
That breasts looks bigger than jess's.
