Go All The Way, Jessica!

Look at Charlize...look at Angelina...Learn from them!

STRIP!!! Let them all see your beautiful body and be conquered by you.


ur sick, anyway get a life!


What da ya mean 'git a life'? I died a couple years ago bozo.


I really appreciate an actress who keeps her clothes on. I think it's slutty to do nude scenes. I mean I know some people are of the opinion that it's art or the body is nothing to be ashamed of...but there's so many perverts out there who see it as something to get off on. Leave something to the imagination girls!There are many movies who have beautiful love scenes minus the nudity. Way to go Jessica for saying no!


Actually, it's inevitable. She'll take off her dress in something if the price is right and I dont even mean just the salary, I mean when a great opportunity comes...



i doubt it...but i welcome the thought that alba will strip for greater success...YEAH!!!!!


i agree i respect her for keeping her clothe on under the pressure female actress are under to do nude sceanes


There are times where nudity is appropriate, and there are times when nudity is gratuitous. The challenge is to decide what catagory your role falls into. For instance, in my home movies with circus midgets, I feel it dignifies my role to be unclad... uh... did I say that out loud?

"Aaawwwww, what's in the box? What the f#@k's in the f#@king box??"


Or just get paid $500,000 like Berry

Worth every penny though :)



yea i heard about that on vh1...

