The bird

I believe the bird represents the love referred to in the lyrics of the song over the opening credits, "Wise Man's Blues" by Perry Blake:

Wise is the man sleeps with the breeze
Nothing will ever bring him to his knees
Cold are the nights, long are the days
But no one can ever take love away
And he kept a lock and key on it forever
And he took it out to make sure it was dead
And he held it in his hand
He held it in his hand
And he waited for the dawn for some relief
Calm is the girl, flames in her hair
Keeper of paths, mirth and despair
Cold winter day, warm summer night
That no one will ever bring back to life
And he kept a lock and key on it forever
And he took it out to make sure it was dead
And he held it in his hand
He held it in his hand
And he waited for the dawn for some release
Wise is the man sleeps with the breeze
Wise is the man sleeps with the breeze


You posted this forever ago, I know. I only just saw the film. I like your interpretation. I hadn't linked it up with the song. I was thinking it was a telling detail. Maybe we only saw Cedric and Mathieu in the beginning, during happier days, and then things got really bad and that's why Mathieu tried to kill himself. Maybe, when Cedric tells the doctor that Mathieu seemed ok and that things were good, he was lying or maybe he was just inattentive or clueless or deluded. Bird says
otherwise. Bird tells us that death was hovering around Mathieu since before he fell in love. As the doctor suggested, Mathieu was quite capable of hiding his depression. He might see this as a kinder way of dealing with it (unlike his mother whose depression was so much a burden on loved ones I thought she was dying til halfway thru the film.) I can relate to that -- handling depression on my own is far preferable to my mother's decades of suicidal threats. Anyhow, I'm glad you posted about the song. It definitely speaks to that same element of the story. I wonder if he left Cedric -- saying "it's over for me now" -- because he doesn't know how to be with Cedric now that he's "in the know." He definitely chose to keep it from his family and wasn't forthcoming with Pierre.
