MovieChat Forums > Kandukondain Kandukondain (2000) Discussion > Read the wiki article for this movie.......

Read the wiki article for this movie.... it sucks.. <---this is the most stupid thing I have ever seen...
The person who 'wrote' this has never even seen this movie I bet..

Here's a copy of the text:

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

Mahalakshmi and her daughters Sowmya, Meenakshi, and Margaret, are impoverished after the death of her husband. His estate, must pass to Nizhagal Ravi, his son from his first marriage. Although Nizhagal Ravipromised his father that he would take care of his stepmother and sisters, his selfish wife Poonam easily dissuades him from giving them their fair share of the inheritance. The Dashwood women are treated as unwelcome guests in their former home, and soon begin looking for another place to live.

In the meantime, Sowmya becomes attached to Poonam's visiting brother Manohar Ferrars. Manohar is a quiet, unassuming young man with a gentle nature. He has no desire to live up to his mother and sister's desire to see him a famous politician or "fine figure in the world". Although he is not handsome or charming, Sowmya soon comes to admire Manohar's intelligence and good sense. However, Manohar's fortune is dependent on the will of his mother. Sowmya knows that Mrs. Ferrars wants her son to marry a woman of high rank, and does not allow herself to hope for marriage.

Mahalakshmi and her daughters soon move from Norland to Barton Cottage. Their landlord is Sir Nizhagal RaviMiddleton, a distant cousin who generously offers them a low rent. He lives at Barton Park with his coldly elegant wife and their children. Also staying at Barton Park are Lady Middleton's mother, Mrs. Jennings, and Bala, an old friend of Sir John. Mrs. Jennings, a jovial old woman who loves to joke and gossip, soon decides that Bala must be in love with Meenakshi. She teases them both about the matter, much to Meenakshi's confusion. Meenakshi considers Bala, age thirty-five, to be an infirm old bachelor incapable of falling in love or inspiring love in anyone else.

When on a walk in the countryside near Barton Cottage, Meenakshi is caught in the rain. She slips on the wet grass and sprains her ankle. Mr. Srikanth, a dashing and handsome young man, happens to be passing nearby. He races to Meenakshi's rescue, and wins her admiration and that of her family by carrying her back home. After this incident, Srikanth begins to visit Meenakshi every day.

The two become increasingly intimate, and Sowmya and Mahalakshmi begin to suspect that the couple have secretly become engaged. However, Mahalakshmi's sentimental nature prevents her from following Sowmya's advice and simply asking Meenakshi about her relationship with Srikanth. Meenakshi is devastated when Srikanth unexpectedly announces that he must go to London on business, not to return for at least a year.

Manoharcomes to visit the Dashwoods at Barton Cottage, but seems unhappy and is distant towards Sowmya. She fears that he no longer has feelings for her. However, unlike Meenakshi, she does not wallow in her sadness.

Shortly afterward, Anne and Lucy Steele, cousins of Lady Middleton, come to stay at Barton Park. Sir Nizhagal Ravitells Lucy that Sowmya is attached to Manohar, prompting Lucy to inform Sowmya in confidence that she (Lucy) has been secretly engaged to Manohar for four years. Though Sowmya initially blames Manohar for engaging her affections when he was not free to do so, she soon realises that he became engaged to Lucy while he was young and naive. Sowmya understands that Manohar does not love or admire Lucy, but that he will not hurt or dishonor her by breaking their engagement. Sowmya hides her disappointment from her family and friends, and succeeds in persuading Lucy that she feels nothing for Manohar.

Sowmya and Meenakshi spend the winter at Mrs. Jennings' home in London. Meenakshi writes to Srikanth, but her letters are unanswered. They meet Srikanth at a party, where he treats them in a coldly formal manner. He later sends Meenakshi a letter informing her that he is engaged to a Miss Grey, a very wealthy woman of inferior birth. Meenakshi admits to Sowmya that she and Srikanth were never engaged, but that she loved him and that he led her to believe that he truly loved her.

Bala reveals to Sowmya that Srikanth had seduced Bala's foster daughter, Miss Williams, and abandoned her when she became pregnant. The Bala was once in love with Miss Williams's mother, a woman who resembled Meenakshi and whose life was destroyed by an unhappy arranged marriage to the Bala's brother.

Later, Mrs. Jennings tells Sowmya that Mrs. Ferrars has discovered Manohar and Lucy's engagement. Manohar refuses to end the engagement and his mother disinherits him. Sowmya and Meenakshi feel sorry for Manohar, and think him honourable for remaining engaged to a woman he will probably not be happy with. Anne Steele tells Sowmya that Lucy still intends to marry Manohar. Manohar intends to take holy orders so that he can support them. Bala, knowing how lives can be ruined when true love is denied, offers his parish at Delaford to Manohar, although he hardly knows him. Sowmya meets Manohar's boorish brother Robert and is shocked to discover that he has no qualms about claiming his brother's inheritance.

Meenakshi becomes very ill after a walk in the rain during which she was overcome with misery because of Srikanth, and Bala goes to get Mahalakshmi. Srikanth arrives and tells Sowmya that he was left with large debts when his benefactress discovered his actions towards Miss Williams and disinherited him. He then decided to marry a wealthy woman. He says that he still loves Meenakshi. He seeks forgiveness, but has poor excuses for his selfish actions. Meanwhile, Bala reveals his love for Meenakshi to Mahalakshmi.

Meenakshi recovers and the Dashwoods return to Barton Cottage. Sowmya tells Meenakshi about Srikanth's visit. However, Meenakshi states that though she loved him, she couldn't have been happy with the libertine father of an illegitimate child even if he had stood by her. Meenakshi also states that she realises that her illness was brought on by her wallowing in her grief, by her excesive sensibility, and that, had she died, it would have been morally equivalent to suicide. With particular reference to Sowmya's bravery and sense, she now resolves to become a reformed character.

The family now learn that Lucy has married Mr Ferrars. When Mahalakshmi sees how upset Sowmya is, she finally realises how strong Sowmya's feelings for Manohar are and is sorry that she did not pay more attention to her unhappiness. However, the very next day Manohar arrives and reveals that it was his brother who married Lucy. He says that he was trapped in his engagement with Lucy, "a woman he had long since ceased to love", but that she had broken the engagement to marry the now wealthy Robert. Manohar asks Sowmya to marry him, and she agrees. Manohar becomes reconciled with his mother, and she gives him ten thousand pounds, sufficient for them to live comfortably. They marry and move into the parsonage. However, Manohar's reconciliation with his mother is partial and insufficient. Mr Srikanth's patroness does eventually give him her money, stating that his marriage to a woman of good character redeemed him. Srikanth realizes that marrying Meenakshi would have produced the same effect. He must live with the knowledge that had he behaved honourably he could have had both love and money.

Over the next two years, Mahalakshmi, Meenakshi and Margaret spend most of their time at Delaford. Meenakshi matures and decides to marry the Bala even though she feels more respect than passion for him. However, after the marriage she realizes that she does truly love him. She and the Bala set up house near Sowmya and Manohar, so the sisters and their husbands can visit each other often.


Ok, well it has been changed to something much better now :)




I am glad that this entry has now been changed, because it's obvious what happended. Someone took a synopsis of "Sense and Sensibility" and substituted the Indian character names for their literary counterparts. If the submitter had actually watched the movie he/she would have known that the screenplay adapted and updated the story for a modern Indian audience.

Excellent movie, by the way!


Great job, this movie is a masterpiece!

reply <---this is the most stupid thing I have ever seen...
The person who 'wrote' this has never even seen this movie I bet...
This comment shows a fundamental misunderstanding of how wikipedia contributors are supposed to work. Their work is supposed to comply with various policy's including a policy barring "original research". They are not supposed to include their own opinion of films when they write about them, rather they are supposed to neutrally summarize what other people wrote about the film. So there is no obligation that they read a book, or see a film, before they start on article on it.
