
It's amazing to me, while reading some of the reviews, that some people have considered parts of this film to be "intellectually philosophic", or whatever b/s they propose about what is written within the movie. Someone spouting out verbage from a college course that a writer remembers, does not make a film philosophic, intellectual or entertaining. That is, unless, you are are willing to accept someone else's opinion about a piece of crap movie. Just because actors recite the banter of a writer's college professor's rantings, does not mean it is intellectual, intellingent or even remotely entertaining. Jeez, stop with the gushing about the philosophy.

It ain't there.


Yeah, this film was far from insightful. It did kind of portray the LSD experience accurately, though, so it was cool.


"It did kind of portray the LSD experience accurately"

That's about the only thing the film had going for it.


i didnt care for it. i found adrian grenier's character to be annoying and his lack of loyalty for his team pissed me off. all the random sex and nudity was also ridiculous and was in the movie just because they could. also i am straight edge so all of the drug use kind of bothered me too. i dont think doing drugs is "cool" like they try to make it seem in this movie. i didnt like it, but thats just me


i don't think they potrayed it as "cool", if anything this was an anti drug movie. i think you've misinterpreted the film the same way people seem to misinterpret scarface or the godfather as glorifing the gangster lifestyle. just becuse they show it dosn't mean the film makers are supporting it, he nearly went insane because of acid, in scarface his best friend and sister both die because of him, he gets addicted to coke and he is then shot to death, in the godfather trilogy he ends up a sad old man and dies alone. if i have missed something please correct me but i just dont see how you could watch this film and think acid was a cool thing to do. that said it wasn't a very good film, altough it did keep my intrest and if there is that much sex going on in harvard then i know why its such a popular school. but i think sarah michelle gellar was great as always!
