MovieChat Forums > Exit Wounds (2001) Discussion > Not Bad At All . . . Pretty Good, Actual...

Not Bad At All . . . Pretty Good, Actually

With all the bad movies that Steven Seagal has made over the past few years with only a few good ones sprinkled in, this is one of his better ones. There was some things that were laughable, though, such as his revolver shooting like an automatic weapon and legs making whooshing sounds when they kicked.

One of the things that I really enjoyed seeing in this movie was Seagal taking some hits. In most movies, he can go up against what seems like 20 men, some who have martial arts skills, and walk away without taking so much as a punch but he didn't win hands down in the fight scenes in this movie.

The story was a typical Steven Seagal. Good cop/agent fighting crime/corruption, so no surprise there, but the story had some interesting twists.

I also liked the car chase scenes. They were done very well and showed some new and very well planned/choreographed wipe-outs of both man and machine.


The car chase scene were Seagal got on the bike and did a runner was hilarious :D

Steven Seagal Fan Club President

