Seagal vs DMX

Did anyone notice something about this fight scene? I tell you what I noticed, this was the only fight I have ever seen Steven Seagal in where he doesn't totally dominate the fight. This is the only fight I have ever seen him in where his opponent actually has it in him to kick seagal's ass.

Not even screwface in Marked For Death gave him that much of a fight. In every one of Seagal's films, Seagal always easily beats his opponents with no problem. Sometimes even beating up six and seven guys at the same time without even getting a single mark or blemish on him.

Well DMX clearly refused to let Seagal dominate and bully him if you guys haven't already noticed.

Q.)What can a PC Tech do when He has a challenging problem?
A.)Get angry!


Yes this fight was very 50-50. Seagal clearly had the power advantage, but DMX's speed and aggression matched it.

Steven Seagal Fan Club President


You are right and it has definitely something to do with DMX status here.

Although I thought it was ridiculous. Seagal beats everyone and then he cant beat DMX? Nah. That didn't fit. DMX the superfighter LOL.

---THE WILD BUNCH (1969)---


DMX didn't really have the power though. Everytime he hit Seagal, he (Seagal) just came back for more. When Seagal hit DMX though, you see DMX quickly needed to re-group.

Steven Seagal Fan Club President


That was a very funny scene! DMX status, LOL. I guess some performers just cannot permit their asses to be kicked. Even for fiction, this was a bit much. Big, bad, Steven, who can beat up a dozen guys at the same time! And he beats up guys like cops and martial artists with all kinds of weapons too, and doesn't get a sungle scratch on himself! But little DMX proved to be a worthy opponent. Okay.


The old saying quality over quantity. Just because DMX wasn't big doesn't mean he's not strong or a good fighter. Besides that, he's supposed to be a bad-ass in the movie.

Steven Seagal Fan Club President


yeah i kinda sorta noticed the same thing with that fight scene.
are you going to bark all day little doggie,, or are you going to bite


Micheal Jay White would had whoop Seagal. I mean he made him look old with the sword fight and got one good hit off him before running off to the helicopter.

Damn shame how underrated White is.


At 50 during the filming of this movie, Seagal kind of was old!

Steven Seagal Fan Club President


I believe it was DMX's ego that demanded the fight be fair. He has a reputation to maintain. I remember a few years ago he was supposed to have a boxing match and he backed out because he couldn't fix the fight in his favor.
