MovieChat Forums > Exit Wounds (2001) Discussion > Exit Wounds 2 Anyone ?

Exit Wounds 2 Anyone ?

Would anyone like to see an "Exit Wounds 2".


i would wanna see it


Cradle 2 the Grave was Exit Wounds 2....

just kidding

but anyway, if DMX is in it im seein it

what do you think the movie should be about?
it would b silly, i think, to make a sequel because how would they team up X and Segal? well, maybe X could lend his surveillance expertise to Segal and help him solve a case....hey, it's my idea and im takin it to Spielberg! j/k


if and only if they met these requirements:

1. they paid me back for having paid to see this movie

2. no steven seagel

3. got dmx to take more martial arts lessons

4. paid me to see this movie

i think thats it.


What? No steven seagal that's a big mistake and no one should pay you to see exit wounds.


i agree with frekinfred cradle to the grave just go see that. or half past dead or just go watch never die alone this friday


I wouldn't really recommend seeing "Half Past Dead", just mostly because since it is a Seagal film, then it's gotta be rated "R", but it's only PG-13... every other Seagal movie there is is rated R... overall it is a good movie... but every other Seagal film is rated R for "Strong violence", and that one is only rated for "pervasive action violence".


that would be cool if there was an EWs 2


This where Seagals career ended, Joel told him to loose some weight and gave him a chance in a major motion picture again. Seagal blew it somehow cuz there is no way he can come back from where he is now. Only possible save for him now would be if Tarantino snorted a few lines and came up with the conclusion that Steven Seagal is cool, I gotta have him in a movie.


Simply put... no thanks.

No need for a sequel if all you need is to see your favorite actor. Just start again.


Exit Wounds was good. I would watch a sequel. I don't care what anybody says, Steven Seagal is a great actor with impeccable martial arts skills.

"I will never rob your cradles to feed the dogs of war" -Huey Pierce Long (my hero)


I would see a sequal to this. This movie is great...I just bought the DVD on friday and viewed it last night. I'd go as far as to say that it's probably the greatest action movie of our time. As for whoever said there was already a sequal, Cradle 2 The Grave was a major disappointment when you compare it to this one...they cast Tom Arnold into a semi-serious role, instead of comfining him to comedy like they did in Exit Wounds. Oh and the whole "Black Diamonds powers a massive lazer" plot twist was unrealistic and just stupid. Exit Wounds, despite it's amazing action scenes, had a believeable plot with no stupidity.

I would pay money for a real sequal. They'd have to find another person besides Steven Seagal. Unless they can find a new purpose for the character of Leon. But since Orin says in the 15th....a sequal can likely be made.


I think making part one was a bad idea, so making part 2 is a really bad idea.


How bout Steven fighting alongside or against either Jet Li or Jason Statham in the sequel. I think it would deffinately rock. He would deffinately need to fight alongside Jet Li though because Steven would get whipped.

"You see this? This is my BOOMSTICK!" Bruce Campbell - Army of Darkness




segal is to big he looks like a beached whale. those straight to video movies sucked because he had a stunt double doing alot of his fighting scenes



......Only if Seagal loses 200 pounds


in a way 'cradle 2 the grave' was 'exit wounds 2', just a lame plot.


No, thanks! One is just enough!

Prostitute: What the *beep* are you doing?
Johnny: I'm gonna kill a bunch of people.
