
Every time me and some friends watch this movie we always enjoy it. The movie seems to get a bad rap because its a stoner flick, but that doesn't make it any less funny. The situations are dumb but you gotta laugh. One movie that will be funny until the extinction of weed

"i have not failed, ive just found ten thousand ways to be wrong"


Funny, the IMDB staff give a 6 average... much more closer to the real quality of the movie ;)

And Michael Moore loved it too... that's something, no ? (boy, Am I gonna get lots of reply for that one !)

I'm 27, and I still love it, great stupid comedy (stupidest ??)

"and theeeennnnnn" ??

sweet :)

cheebee !!


The movie seems to get a bad rap because its a stoner flick, but that doesn't make it any less funny.

I disagree. At the moment Ive got Harold and Kumar playing on my other monitor and its easily 10 times better than Dude Wheres My Car? Its not the fact that its silly or a stoner movie, its the fact that its not that funny (to a lot of people).

< O >


For me, it is the reverse, I don't find Harold and Kumar (the last one, at least) much funny, but I enjoy seeing this one again, from time to time. On the other hand, I don't see any of these two movies as "stoner" movie (as can be The Big Lebowski), not anymnore than a Three Stooges movie with teenager actors could be. And one of the main quality of Dude Where is My Car is the team spirit between the two actors, and many other supporting ones.
