Favorite Music in Donkey Kong Country 2

What was your favorite music in Donkey Kong Country 2?

My two favorites would HAVE to be Wrinkly's theme and the end credit song and Rattle Battle.

Man, that game had good music.

"Snake? Snake! Snaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaake!!!"


I'm a proud owner of all 3 DKC games for Super Nes, and they were all so beautifully created! They're some of the best games EVER. Especially part II.

My favorite music would be the Brambles, and Web Woods. But I love all the music tracks to all 3 games.

It's cool all 3 DKC games have hidden sound tests and other goodies in them!

In God WWE Trust



I err.. also have all three games on SNES. But now I can't find that antenna video plugging thing in and can't play the games... :(

Anyway, my favourite song would be the background music in the Bramble vine levels.


Brambles, Mining levels, and haunted woods, and the title screen theme rocks!


I loved the music in rattle battle.

there may be a boogie man or boogie men in the house:Homer Simpson.


the haunted house- largely similar to Mussorgsky's "A Night on Bald Mountain"

“Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music” Sergei Rachmaninov


the brambles have absolutely amazing music

i love lockjaws locker music too.

the music in these games is so unbelievbaly good. the soundtrack to this game is seriously the best video game soundtrack ever, im honestly listenin to squawks shaft right now and its sweet.


Bramble Blast


Mine would have to be Enchanted Wood, Bramble Blast second. I was a bit disappointed when I unlocked Bramble Blast in Super Smash Bros Brawl 'cos it's a remix, not the SNES original.

DKC2 has one of the best SNES soundtracks ever. If you use a player like Super Jukebox to play SNES SPC's you can see how just clever David Wise's use of the SNES's 8 channels was when he composed the music. It puts most other SNES music to shame.


Brambles is easily the best. Then the Castle Crush theme, I can't remember what it't called. And third I would have to say would be the end theme. I love them all because they all give me that wonderful, yet depressing, nostalgic feeling of when I was little...

Why do we fall? So that we can learn to pick ourselves up.



either the credits theme or mining theme. though i love all the tracks

A Long Time Ago in a Galaxy Far, Far Away....


You can listen to all these soundtracks on youtube.

My favorites are Snakey Chantey, Hot-Head Bop, Run Rambi Run, Bramble Blast, Disco Train, In A Snow-Bound Land, Donkey Kong Rescued and Crocodile Cacophony.


my fav music in this game is the music of the Map island where u select levels, Castle Crush and also Kannon's Klaim


I agree, this game has one heck of a soundtrack! Now, my favorite of them all would have to be Enchanted Wood. That song has so many dynamics that it's good enough to be used and recorded by a mainstream pop artist! I'd actually say the same about the brambles song, but I don't enjoy that song as much. As a kid, however, my favorite tunes were the roller coaster theme, the end theme, Kaptain K. Rool's theme, and Funky's theme. I remember I used to just keep the monkeys at Funky's Flights and dance to that song for like half an hour, haha.
