The Wesleys being poor

One thing that always bugged me is that the Wesleys are often being mocked (by Malefoy) for being poor. I understand they don't earn that much money and magic cannot create coins, but anyway, they're wizards!
They could fix their house, their clothes, their school furniture with magic!
It's like all what they're taught to school is just useless, or maybe the Wesley parents are lame wizards.


Fix them how? Magic has limits too. Sure it's easier for them to clean up, get stains out of clothes, and mend tears than it is for muggles. However, the wand does not do everything on its own you need resources. Resources cost money, which the Weasley's don't have.


But if they were able to make the taxi bigger on the inside, why not make their house bigger on the inside? And I'm sure they could have been able to make Ron's robe look less girly. Why did he had to rip the laces off like a muggle? I'm sure Mrs Weasly could fix such things better with wand.


They did not make the tent bigger. Mr. Weasley borrowed the tent from a man named Perkins that he worked with at the ministry. That was all Perkins doing, the Weasleys had nothing to do with it.

On the robes, the most likely explanation is Molly Weasley did not think it was as big of a deal as Ron made it out to be. Not uncommon with parents. Sure you'll have the cool ones who will let them wear what they want, but you'll also have plenty of parents who their response is "suck it up! This is what you're wearing." Given Molly's personality and how low they live with being poor, I'm more inclined her response was "suck it up!" knowing that what Ron really wanted was a better robe that was more expensive. It was just another hand-me-down that Ron, being the youngest boy, always got. It looked more old than girly, but unfortunately you cannot charm clothing to look more in style. It is what it is.


By "taxi" do you mean the flying car? It wasn't shown in the movies, but in the books Mr. Weasley had magically expanded it on the inside so all the Weasleys could fit inside of it.

I think the Weasleys did expand their house. They just kept building upward, which is why it was tall and crooked, and not conventional-looking. It was actually plenty big for all of them when there weren't guests over (I think only Fred and George shared a room?).

Ron didn't rip the lace off his dress robes, either. He used a severing charm.

There was just no getting around the fact that [Ron's] robes looked more like a dress than anything else. In a desperate attempt to make them look more manly, he used a Severing Charm on the ruff and cuffs. -- Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Bloomsbury Adult Edition, p. 358

In the movie, I believe they left the lace on because it was funnier that way.


Fred and George's room used to be Bill and Charles' room. So when B&C are back F&G have to squish into Ron's room, alongside Harry. I assume Hermione slept with Ginny in the book.


If every wizard was capable of such magic, then why would the Malfoys look down on Weasleys ? Wouldn't they be rich already? You can't own everything with magic.

When the snows fall and the white winds blow, the lone wolf dies but the pack survives.


Hermione explains in the books that one of the laws of magic is that if you are conjuring physical objects like food or material you have to know where the object is coming from.


It's not like the Weasleys are out on the street, dirt, poor. They are middle class with Arthur working in the Ministry of Magic Muggle Section. He and Molly are raising and providing for 7 kids, so they clearly have to watch their pennies.

The Malfoys are an upper class, old money, wizarding family and only have Draco to worry about.🐭


i always thought harry could of spoke up and offered to help out the weasleys. they took him in like he was their own and potter had plenty of gold to spare. just saying


but the Weasleys were proud. they wouldn't accept that kind of charity.

Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain (Isaac Asimov)


He did help the twins with their shop though.


I alway wondered why, if they were so hard up, mrs weasley didn't get a job. i mean, i am totally in favour of mothers staying at home with their children, i think it's a great thing, but once ginny went off to hogwarts, i couldn't quite see what was stopping her.


magick can not creat it can only summon or alter.
for example hogworst uses houselfs to make all the food for feasts they cant just magic food out of nowhere.
the same goes for everything
yes having magic makes things better
thier house is held up by magic as its to big to be natural


magick can not creat it can only summon or alter

Magic does whatever's convenient for the plot. 'Twas ever thus for this franchise.


no it was said neer the start and maintaned throgut that nothing is created only summed or transfigured.
other wise why does any wizard family have a kitchen? why would any of them need slaves/house elfs?
