Chess scene - Ron Weasley

Why didn't he just jump off the horse?


that would be cheating. the rider is part of the chess piece. if separated it is not a valid chess piece.

Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain (Isaac Asimov)


That's not totally true. How did the opposing pieces move without a rider?

RIO OLYMPICS!!!! August 5th!


Got it! Thanks


I always wondered that as well. Is it possible he might have hit the board before the chess piece was annihilated which could have voided the game? I dunno.


Better question, why didn't they step off the chess board to the side and walk around the chess pieces to the door?

"But my job's fun too - I mean, tomorrow I don't have to wear a tie." - Chandler


The door may not have opened until they played the game. As for the OP, I wonder why Ron was knocked out. He didn't land on his head and less than seven feet. He would have been hurting, but not unconscious.



Ron getting knocked out never made any sense to me either, but it was an easy way out for the filmmakers to have Harry be on his own.


Ron was knocked out in the book when the queen hit him in the head with her hand. They had to have Ron knocked out for the movie, also, but the way it happened just didn't work out in a realistic manner.

