Hallowe'en special

If there's one thing Doctors isn't very good at, it's doing spooky. I don't quite know why, but it just wasn't credible, or even scary. Looked like they were trying to emulate the wicker Man!


I think there's only so much scary they would be allowed to get away with on daytime telly - I don't think I'd want severed heads and blood and guts to endure whilst eating lunch, LOL.

I do get your point though, for some reason, most Halloween episodes of Doctors never quite hit the spooky spot. Although it was just a little bit satisfying seeing Al being freaked out by today's proceedings, after all his sceptical remarks.


I think Al had it coming


Still can't work out if Heston is going or not. I think I've seen a spoiler somewhere that he meets the burglar that he attacked again soon. I wonder if this is a cathartic moment for him and he has a change of heart. I hope so. He's one of my favourites and I really don't want him to leave.


Maybe everyone will disagree with me, but I really enjoyed the Halloween episode, and I enjoyed the previous one too
