MovieChat Forums > Vanity Fair (2004) Discussion > The Arabic music/dance scene

The Arabic music/dance scene

I just watched it and I was about to burst. Not a bad scene but the music made me laugh. The Arabic song "ess, ess, essalamo 'aleikom" though popular, was not really the best choice cause it's relatively modern. Never thought I would see it in an American film.

Not very important I know, but it made me giggle at least.



I didn't mean it was bad, I meant it was too modern for that scene. I was laughing because I never thought I'd see an Egyptian song on English TV. I liked it none the less

I meant it was a popular Arabic song =)


i know it's hilarious to hear Hakeem in the Victorian era but i do think its important they should've look into it before using the song


yeah it's totally hilarious!!!! even the promotionnal add for the flick sad "why is reese dancing to a hakim song?" i didnt beleive it at first i thought it was a prank by the channel and i ended up watching the movie just to see the scene....but seriously they could have used guy manoukian music it would have been better adjusted to the dance they did!!!!!....just my opinion...

le fait inak 3am tikra2 hal jomlé n actually 3am tif8ama est parfaitement normal


hahahaa yeah..
I'm from Bahrain - Middle East and .. "yeah it's totally hilarious!!!! even the promotionnal add for the flick sad "why is reese dancing to a hakim song?" i didnt beleive it at first i thought it was a prank by the channel and i ended up watching the movie just to see the scene"

i always hated the song!! :P
Hakeem is soo annyoing


The music was noticeably modern, and it needed a lot more direction or at least an actress who could do it justice. Reese wasn't nearly sexy enough to pull it off and she wasn't aware of her face. She looked so nervous throughout it, instead of sultry. I did like her makeup and the brow jewels though. She should have rocked it better.

If we don't believe in freedom of expression for people we despise, we don't believe in it at all


Not to mention that she is noticeably, hugely pregnant in that scene!


LOL, I was thinking the same thing. I think she would have done better if she weren't pregnant. It came off as awkward. She was VERY far along in her pregnancy, and it was noticeable though they tried to hide it. I wonder why they just didn't wait until she'd given birth to resume filming?


Because they thought no one would notice her pregnancy with her wearing those empire style costumes. Imo she was terribly miscast in this role anyhow; I'm certain there were plenty of other actresses who were not pregnant who would have been much better as Becky Sharp (and actually sounded English).
