The Crazy Woman

Other than a means by which to connect pearce to helena of the past, was there any significance to the crazy woman? What I mean to say is, does anyone believe she is meant to represent something greater to the story? From the poignant script, most all words spoken had multiple and compounded truth.
Does this character posess any such aspect to any of you?



Oh, and also, what to you all make of the romanticised ending (when he clibs in the boat after it come back to him).


Okay: So, after watching one more time, I believe she is the dreamer who lost her love and is perpetually meeting her love in her crazy dream. She chases Samuel away--from his own dreams. And when his love is gone, he cannot meet her there ('I don't dream' he says, to which Ruby replies he simply doesn't remember them). But when Ruby returns him to the 'witch's' house, his dreams and love return.

Also, caught the sea-girl seaweed this time through. He really has a way with poetry and film doesn't he?
Very well done piece of cinema.
I can't imagine that this was not a novel first.
It would be almost impossible for such a powerful unadapted script to imerge these days.

This is easily a classic in my library and holds all the power of any great classic literature you have read in your past. Nothing is forgotten here.



Yeah I really wasn't sure of the significance of the deaf/crazy woman.

It was her bird under the rock, wasn't it?

*still doesn't get it*


I can't possibly be the only one here who doesn't think of the deaf woman
as "the crazy woman" (no, really, I was thinking "what crazy woman???").
I don't know if she's exactly crazy. I thought she was eccentric and deaf.
And if she has any symbolic significance, I think it's probably something
to do with the whole sign language thing, the whole language thing generally,
etc. (just the idea that everything means something, including spoken language,
unspoken language, secret language, sign language, body language, etc.).
I think she probably represents something to do with discovering secrets and
remembering memories...but also, I thought she was just plain INTERESTING!
("She talks in her sleep" etc. [either Sam or Silvy said that, when she was
signing in her sleep].) (Hmmm...she could also represent the mysterious, the
hidden, the quiet, the secret side of life [like witchcraft etc., although
she's not necessarily a witch].)

Kit =^__^= (the magic^_^ cat=^__^=)


The "dreamer who lost her love" thing also sounds pretty good as a possible
"significance" thing (yes, it did seem like that could be who/what she was
usually dreaming of...I don't think that's necessarily for sure, but it seems
like a good possibility!).

Kit =^__^=


Knowing what she was signing in her sleep would probably be helpful...

"You swear?"
"Every damn day."
