Shocking Moment

While I was watching this film, I noticed something that has not been brought up, but seems as outrageous as the central conflict of the film--the driving.

Whenever Heather's parents are taking her to visit a girl with a cochlear implant, the father takes both of his hands off the wheel to sign with the mother and the mother distracts his eyes from the road to sign to him about directions to the house.

That is just so irresponsible and I don't understand why this particular set of parents is so ardently against the idea that their deafness is a disability that requires accommodations and concessions. Driving does not seem like something the father should be doing if he can't do it without signing. That's a sacrifice he should make to ensure the safety of his passengers, and he is of an attitude that he should be able to do anything a hearing person can do. That's true to an extent, but in this situation, having a conversation in a vehicle you're controlling isn't an option when it requires you to take your hands off the wheel and your eyes off of the road.


I am actually surprised deaf people are even allowed to get a driver's license. They can't hear any tooting?


Cruise control?
