Favorite line:

"I have something to tell you, and I think I need to say it outside of the cage..."

just his buddy's face in that scene, classic!!


"This is college! Bag your own bitches!!"
and also
"The dirty old whore told me to!"

"There are plenty of 'tards out there living really kick ass lives"


hands down, "the dirty old whore told me to do it!"

i've been saying that for weeks just randomly for no reason whatsoever and people think i'm crazy because most have never even heard of this movie.


no one calls me a retard YA FREAKIN HOBO!


"one two three four hard nipples...nope"

Better not be doing something your not suppose to! big bad wolfs gonna find you:D--slackers.


"It fell out of your hair that way!"


Thats a Troll Doll

Gnome its not!


"i am not a whore!"

hahahahahaa this was a hilarious movie!!


"and we can have sex in may beeeedroooom!"

Jai guru deva om


If it will help me take the exam, id be glad to show everybody my balls


I just need a woman's POV on the whole sitch


The whole sequence when Jeff is introduced, and hes like "Do you even know my name?" that *beep* was Bawes



-"Oh no, not my mum!!"
-"wait something is wrong" (farts)
-"busting caps in whitey
-put the underwear on your head
-you have to work throught gay pron to move on to mainstream
-you are a whore
-work the ass
-my testicle was blue
-I'm gonna have to say slave to the freak ass boogie
-1,2,3 4hard nipples


There are a whole lot of good quotes but my best ones of this movie are "I'm not gonna eat that *beep* you *beep* retard." "No one calls me a retard, ya FREAKIN' HOBO!" The other quote would be the one where he says, "Dave?! FUDGE!!" What's so great about that quote is the way he says it. The delivery he gives makes him sound so borderline crazy and you can tell that he's really trying hard not to loose it. The best. Loves it! This movie is a really overlooked gem. I really want this DVD.


No I don't-- A euro-pass?? No. No I want you to get me a girl.

I don't know why I found that so funny, maybe it was his delivery
