
I've never experienced it really myself, but it seemed a bit unrealistic when she was purging. Can anyone tell me if this is true or not? Especially near the end when she was purging while her mother was in the bathroom after she confronted her, it seemed like she did it too easily, like she barely put her finger in her mouth and she started puking. I don't know.. is this unrealistic?


As far as i've percieved, when the condition first arises purging can be difficult, but once it becomes a habit the amount of stimulation needed to produce an effect lessens.


i dont think it is unrealistc as when i purge i dont have to use my fingers an d stuff so i dont think it is


From someone who was bulimic before, it isnt unrealistic. I did it plenty of times with my mom standin right outside the door because I felt like I had to do it so bad that the urge couldnt be faught and I just did it. Its possible..


It is right on target. Once you've done it over and over and over, your gag reflex is automatic. :(


well i was bulimic as well and it was never that easy for me


Hi there, I myself am bulimic and your first question; while her mother was in the bathroom after she confronted her- My mum used to listen whilst i went to the bathroom after meals to make sure I wasnt purging- however I sadly was- to bulimics food becomes an alien concept to their stomachs- when they have food in there they just HAVE to get it out and purging stops this feeling of anxiety they/we feel. Also the ease of purging becomes more and more as you continually purge as the muscles used for perestalisis are relaxed and you can actually end up (like me) where as soon as you eat you have to go to the bathroom aas your stomach know's what's coming and gags itself. I have had bulimia for 6 years however so my case may be different to others.


...entirely unrealistic. Any bulimic can tell you that it takes alot of gagging and pushing to get the food to come up and after a certain amount of time...in beth's case she had been bulimic for years, you have to eat a massive amount to get rid of all the food...regardless it just doesnt take ramming your fingers down your throat and one spurt of vomit and your finished...it is a grueling, brutal and time consuming act of misery.


It is really unrealistic...I have to drink a ton of fluid and practically ram my fist down my throat, and it's a huge gush of fluid and solid...sorry to be graphic =/ Plus, I can't do it when I know someone is in the room or listening.


observing what other bulimics have replied, i think the question of how realistic it was varies from person to person. i've been bulimic for 2 and a half years; sometimes its harder for food to come up and sometimes it's unbelievably easy. i think it just depends on what i've eaten or how long i wait from the time i consume to the time i purge.
the only unrealistic thing about it, to me, was how loud she was gagging. i don't make a sound when i purge. i used to, but that stopped quite a while ago. maybe that's another thing that varies.


I know this thread is getting kind of graphic, but I feel like you guys are kindred spirits and I don't get to talk about it very often, so here goes.

I have to silence my purging so my parents don't hear...they can even hear it when I do it in the shower with the water running at full blast. Otherwise, I'm really loud when no one is home. It's easier somehow when I make the noises.

I think it does depend on the person, now that I think about it. The other day I was brushing my teeth and I somehow tripped my gag reflex and a bunch of stuff just came up...other times it's so hard, I have to practically shove my fist down my throat.

Also, I do the color code thing - eat brightly colored foods (like greens or orange Doritos, etc) first so I know when I'm reaching the end of purging.


really?! when i make loud noises everything tends to come out of my nose. not a very nice thing to experience.
i don't understand the color code thing for one reason - my stomach seems to jumble everything up!! i can get out a grape i ate 4 hours prior but not what i JUST ate. it's weird.


My nose runs like crazy and my eyes water after I purge...even if nothing comes up. And - gross, I know, but this whole subject is already getting pretty graphic =) - snot always runs down my throad, too. As for the color thing, it doesn't always work, but for the most part it does. Also, I notice that things that have the most fat come up first. My stomach doesn't digest them well, or quickly, so whenever I purge I can always see a layer of grease in the toilet.


Well, to be fair, it wouldn't make the movie any better by having 10 minute long puking sequences. It's a very realistic movie, but it's just – a movie. There was a time limit and also puking isn't a very nice visual to show on TV. The movie was about a character with bulimia, not a movie about the technicalities of the disease.

But one thing that got me was the fact that her face was pale after puking. When I was bulimic, it always looked like I'd been crying with lots of snot, red nose, tears in eyes, everything. Not to mention the residue on my chin. Great movie though, especially for one produced for Lifetime channel. I love Alison Lohman; she's been great in everything I've seen her in. It really is one of the best ED movies out there.

Barmaid! Bring me stronger ale, and some plump, succulent babies to eat!


Well I'm not bulimic and have never intentionally tried to puke but I know if I even THINK to hard about it my gag reflex kicks in and...ew...
