After Hours knockoff

I thought this movie was OK until I saw Scorcese's "After Hours". Now I see that this movie is not OK. It's a shameless rip off with many elements completely stolen from "After Hours". Now I have no forgiveness for the film, which amused me with some charms I would later realize are copycatted.


Admittedly,the protagonist of this film stays up all night in New York (a theme used in other films as well; it's a city known for being home to thousands of insomniacs)and meets unusual characters. I was also reminded of After Hours for a moment, but I didn't find this movie to be a "knockoff" of After Hours in any significant way. It's not a comedy, for starters. It reminded me more of the Matrix trilogy, but chronologically I don't think it can be accused of borrowing/stealing from them. Mary Alice's character, Violet, even seemed to be a close relative of her Oracle from Matrix:Revolutions (which was released years later...meaning that a case could be made that some portion of Matrix-land is derivative of THIS film).
