Historical Accuracy

Does any one know how much of this movie is historically accurate ? Like, did
Linda Eastman really sleep with Jagger and Morrison ?
I know that the scene where John throws the rock through the glass of Paul's front door was written about in the McCartney bio, "Blackbird". I'm just curious
about some of the other things. Can anyone help ? Thanks.


Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. I was watching it yesterday on Comast On-Demand for free in the free-movie section. I was thinking about that with Linda and Jim. I mean, I would've read that in a Jim Morrison biography I read by Stephen Davis (which I hear isn't great but I thought it was good). Also, they weren't very accurate about Wings. If you notice, the band members stay the say for 1971 at the Leeds show and in 1976 at the Arena show. If you watched Wingspan, (which came out a year later) Wings had many line-up changes but this movie is about Linda, right? It just bothers me as a Beatles fanatic and just yelling "What the hell...?" The drummer of Wings wasn't bearded (Denny Seiwell) and Henry McCullough had long blonde hair, not black! I can spot out Denny Laine, though...I think.

