MovieChat Forums > Freddy Got Fingered (2001) Discussion > I enjoyed this more than The Godfather

I enjoyed this more than The Godfather

godfather was 3 hours of tedium and despicable characters nobody can identify with

this movie, while far from perfect, made me laugh countless times

do the math on which one I would watch a second time





daddy would you like some sausage?



While the two films can barely be compared, I personally think the godfather movies are tedious nauseating crap, and this movie is explosively original, funny, and entertaining. And it's brave enough to not bow down to the PC overlords that want everything in a sanitary pretty package with a bow on top


What in the *beep* world is wrong with you?????? ' I personally think the godfather movies are tedious nauseating crap'

You say the godfather is nauseating but Freddy Got Fingered includes jerking off a horse.
You're out of your mind and stupid if you think Godfather is crap.


You are a monster


