A 3rd chracter...

A little while back when I was at the book store I came across the Manga version of Excel Saga and flipped through some pages and what I noticed was a 3rd female who worked for Across that looked kind of like Excel and seemed to act alot like her as well. She seemed to appear alot more then Hyatt did, and I had no idea this chracter exsited, but how come she never was in the show?

Click on this: http://media.putfile.com/Join-the-DOTA

And listen to it bitches!


Her name is Elgadia and I think the reason she isn't in the show is because she appeared in the manga after it was already made into an anime.


Oh, I see. Well they should have kept the show going. Damn Japanese and there ability to have a show only be on for 26 episodes!

Click on this: http://media.putfile.com/Join-the-DOTA

And listen to it bitches!


26 episodes = 1 season in Japan. Plus, it was on late night, so not that many people watched it.


Yeah but it's not just that show, it's also about 90% of their other shows as well, they all only last like 25 or 26 episodes and that's it, there's hardly even a point.

Click on this: http://media.putfile.com/Join-the-DOTA

And listen to it bitches!


From Wikipedia (if it's not a legit source, stop vandalizing it):

While TV programs vary from station to station, some generalizations can be made. Early morning hours are dominated by news programs, and these run to around 9:00 to 9:30 AM. They are then replaced by late morning shows that target wives who have finished house work. These run to around 1:30PM, at which time reruns of dramas and information programs that target the same age group start. At around 5:00PM, the young kid-oriented anime and TV shows start, and end around 6:00PM. News programs takeover for an hour ending in 7:00PM, when the "Golden Hour" of TV shows start. 7:00PM to 9:00PM are the time periods into which TV stations pour the most resources. Appearing in this time frame is a certain sign that an actor or actress is a TV star. After 9:00 they switch over to Japanese television dramas and programs focusing on older age groups, which run till 10:00 or 11:00PM. Some stations run news programs from 10:00PM, and around midnight sports news programs run which target working ages. After these, programs for mature audiences run as well as anime that do not expect enough viewers if they were run earlier.

So Japanese TV is not wall-to-wall anime as many people would think. If there's a show with a big audience in Japan, the TV stations will try to milk it for all it's worth (see: Shin-Chan, Sazae-san, DBZ, Naruto, etc.). This doesn't leave much room for new cartoons that want to get noticed or are too mature for the kids.


Elgala was friggen classic....They should've wait and put her in the anime.

"Dabblin'in water colors,Eddie?"
