Sub or Dub?

I hate to be different from most people, but I really think the Dub was better then the original. I saw the dub first, and thought it was quite good. Jessica Calvello is an awesome Excel <3. And when I downloaded the sub, I nearly died when I heard Kotono Mitsuishi's voice. She didn't nearly as good at Excel as Jessica was D:. The only voice I thought was better in the sub was Hyatt's. Omi Minami was GOOD as Hyatt <3.

I hate to dissapoint the sub-fans when I say this, but the voices were better in the English version, that doesn't mean I always like the dub. The Shaman King japanese was terrific...and the dub was TERRIBLE. And most other shows dubbed by 4-kids...

So anywho....sub or dub? leave your opinions here.


some times the japanese sux major *bleep* and other times it rocks, same for us versions, just listen to both, and choose the better of the two, steel angel kurumi sux in english, but i love excel saga in it.


Have only heard the Dub. But I do agree Excel's voice is somewhat annoying, but the others are good.


defo sub


Well, the thing with either sub or dub is better than the other....this is true, after all.

For example, Shinichiro Watanabe, the director of Cowboy Bebop HIMSELF, has said that the dub voices are much better than the Japanese voices. Quite frankly, I'd agree. Nothing can compare to the smart-alecky badass-like voice of Steven Blum's. :)


Dub. Excel Saga and Cowboy bebop are probably the only animes I like in Dub better than sub. You just can't bet Jessica's Excel voice <3

News flash: I love oatmeal.


Just remember that the individual responsible for crreating this monstrosity was born in Japan, but is a dedicated (Rikdo admits it) Amerophile. (I.e. He digs America more than we do.) Nevermind the fact that he can speak completely fluent English and states that, "Excel [Saga] failed [in Japan] because it was meant for an American audience." He also wrote the entire script, and translated it. As for the voice actor choices; remember, this is America, and we speak ENGLISH. (You know, the National Language.) Most voice actors don't do Anime because, well, most shows/scripts are just AWFUL. (Any Naruto fan who read the manga and watched the completely annihilated English version would agree with me here.)

If anyone has any problems or states "Subbed only or die!" the death of Anime would come very, very quickly. (P.S. Why do we only get crappy Anime here in the states? Also, why do the Japanese hate "hard" science-fiction? Was William Gibson, Philip K. Dick and the almighty Asimov and Heinlein just too deep for the Japanese? Maybe they needed useless explosions and Ninjas...)

Anyway, enough ranting.

Oh, yeah, and about the bash against Japan's hate of hard sci-fi; Ghost in The Shell (albeit the setting is stolen from Gibson and Dick's "cyberpunk" worlds) lost money in Japan, compared to the love it received, and still has, here. The same goes for Crying Freeman.

My personal opinion of the series? Excel Saga and Super Milk Chan need to air back-to-back on Adult Swim, every night of the week, uncut.


I loved this show at times but sometimes it didn't work, I just really wish I could see the english dub. Maybe the translation in the fansub was bad but I just don't know, I loved it at times but sometimes I found it completely boring, probably just wasn't getting it though.


The United States of America only has English as the Defacto national language. It's not official.


I switched back and forth at first, sub/dub/dub/sub. I eventually decided on the dub though. I think for me it was just the nature of the show and of Excel herself that made me decide.

It's just so fast paced and Excel is just so hyper-talkative it's more enjoyable if I can understand what she's saying instead of reading along with it. The fact that the voices are generally well done in english helps alot too.




Sub for me. The Japanese voices crack me up. Especially Pedro.


I love the dub, surprisingly. Usually dubbed voices are so awful. Everybody in this dub version fits their character so well. Excel, Hyatt, and Il Palazzo are great in their roles and have the nature of their characters down. Palazzo especially, he can sound mysterious, menacing, arrogant and kooky all at once. Which is amazing. Excel sounds graining and shill/annoying as she should be. Kudos for her keeping up the shouting and not getting too annoying. I particularly liked Matsuya's voice. I was shocked to see she also did Azumanga's Kaorin voice; a voice that I hated. Shuoji and Nabeshin were also great. Hell, even Mandy Clark who wasn't too spectacular as Tomo in Azumanga did much better here. There were a couple voices I didn't care for but not to the degree that I couldn't stand them. I say job well done ADV.

A Proud Member of P.H.H.A.W (Paris Hilton Hater Association of the World)


The Dub hands down! It was ten times funnier then the sub. Why? Well because in the 2nd volume when that bowling terrorest group attacked, the leader said to Excel and Hyatt: "Hey, you main chracters over there! Come and grab my balls!" as where in the Japanese version he said: "Bring on the balls!" which of course was not meant to be funny but made funny in the Jap. version, and Bret Weaver souns better as Nabeshin as where Watanabe who is just a director sounds too quiet for Nabeshin. (Even though he made up that whole chracter, hell he is Nabeshin!) And overall it was just so funny! And in the dub you can actually tell the accents of chracters like Perdo as where in the Japanese version all you hear is Japanese.

I am Atheist! Who said we were perfect spellers?


I choose to watch it in Sub (for a second time) for a few reasons.

Excel is just too annoying (suprisingly) in the dub. Ippalazou and Pedro's voice is also not as good. The series also has alot of jokes that rely upon mixing and rhyming japanese language which are lost in the dub.


Something the sub has over the dub is when Excel is going on and on, you can just read what Hyatt says...
In the dub it's really hard to make out. I know Excel's supposed to be loud and irratating, and Hyatt is more reserve... but still, I often have no clue what Hyatt just said.
But I like the voices themselves. The dub's fine with me but so is the sub... I can live with both; I die of laughter either way.

Watch out for those tempo changes man!
Necesse est ut nihil faciamus.


Dub is always inferior to sub because some context is lost when you try to condense the words that should have been said in the original language. Though it's simply just another matter of preference.


I hate subtitles, but I hate the english dub of Excel even worse. It is way too high pitched. The original Japanese voice actor more acurately captures Excel's annoyances without breaking every window in a 4 block radius. I have surround sound, and damn is she painful in English.

I say...go with subs.

2012 WILL HAPPEN!!! (Right after 2011 happens)


I'm not a hard-liner for subs, but the American VA's tend to "Were speaking a cartoon so lets speek cartoony so everyone knows its coming out of a cartoon!"

They also like to hammer out nuances that audiences can get without it shoved into their faces into single dimensions that overshadow the rest of the character. Ok, Excel is annoying, we get that; so you had to wreck your vocal chords just to squeeze that grating edge into it? Yeah, Ill Pallazo is smug; but how would anyone understand that if you didn't crank it up to smarmy?

Some dubs are better than the original, but this wasn't one of them.


im the sort that cant stand English dubs but heir are a few exceptions this and cyber city that's all i can think of

you will have to forgive the lack of full stops lack of proper spelling im dyslexic but not stupid
