The Strength Of This Film

When we look at WW2 it easy to overlook the misery of the German people towards the end of the war. From an Anglo/American perspective that is understandable ... yet that is a mistake. This film addresses that front and center ... taking place in Cologne 6 to 12 months before the war's end. Edelweisspiraten graphically illustrates the horror of war ... brought onto self.

I watch this film and I cannot help but think "Jesus Germany look what you did to yourself." Think about the destruction of Karl's family: what were they like in 1933 (perhaps voting for Hitler) and what happened to them over the course of the next 10 years?

This reminds me of two other German films that take on this introspection

Lore (2012 ... German ... IMDB Rating of 7.1)

Anonyma - Eine Frau in Berlin (2008 ...German ... IMDB rating 7.1)

Such tragedy ... why didn't they resist him more?
