oh no Im scared

G4 is evil! first they join techtv then they kill some of the shows.Then they get rid of the name g4techtv and change it to just g4 again.they got rid of the original screen savers people,now the only techtv people left are sarah lane from attack of the show and adam sessler and morgan web from xplay.now I think they might get rid of them noooooo!


they did not get rid of Kevin Rose, He got rid of himself. As he has said on TWIT that he wanted out of his contract so he can do what he likes to do and thats more Tech heavy stuff. Thus why he is now doing TWIT, Diggnation, Systm, and Broken. Also I not upset with the change as I can still get Leo, Patrick, Kevin and the rest thanks to TWIT ( This Week In Tech for thoes who must be living under a rock), Systm, Diggnation, From the Shadows,and the Broken. .TV and podcasting the new wave!
