MovieChat Forums > The Screen Savers Discussion > The Corruption Continues...AGAIN!

The Corruption Continues...AGAIN!

Now Tech Tv which merged with godawful G4 to make G4TechTv is just G4tv

TSS is now Attack of the Show.

They have musical performances and Tom Green as their draw and Kevin Perrereia is almost as annoying as Tommy Tallarico.

check out my equilibrium fansite at


Kevin Rose and Sarah are the only reason I still occasionally flip to see the show. I know it has changed DRASTICALLY, but Kevin P. is actually pretty funny. (the rest...) I miss TSS so badly. I miss Leo and Pat, and real questions about computers and Dan and live calls that had a purpose. I get so depressed when I realize that there will never be another show like the screen savers. And now that Unscrewed is cancelled, I even miss Marty. I hope Dan and Kevin do some more broken episodes. Maybe someday they can all be reunited on a real tech show. Maybe...

RIP The Screen Savers. Greatest show on television.


Nothing but a bunch of talking heads now.



This was a really long time ago, so I don't think you'll ever read this, but I made "poogtastik" up. Its a combination of poop and fantastic.


I don't get it anyway the commercials act like they are gonna give out underground tips or something. They other day the dudes so called "Dark Tip" was to go out and buy a commercial spam blocker to rid yourself of spyware. Dark tip? come on I could have been told to buy a product anywhere.

Ed Wood is a good director! PULL DEE STRING!


Before the 2 channels merged I used to watch them seperately. I loved SS and just last night I was telling a friend how I used to love to watch it. Now it's not as interesting as it once was. I like Kevin Rose....I miss Patrick Norton. I even miss Dan.


So why not listen to TWIT, The Systm, The Broken, Diggnation, and From The Shadows all online and all being from Leo Laporte, Kevin Rose, Patrick Norton, Robert Hearon, ect all the old School TechTv people!



I watched g4 three years ago a couple times and the quality of programming was underpar. It was crap to say the least. The screen savers and the rest of tech tv was solid, quality programming with Leo Laporte and Patrick Norton running the Screen Savers. I liked techtv and it was a chance to learn about new things that had a purpose. g4 now has one decent show and that's icons. the rest of that network is terrible. The talent that g4 has is worthless. Comcast should be ashamed at themselves for buying the competition since it had 45 million homes, merging the two networks, and then taking techtv shows and personell off the air. Over 200 tecttv employees lost their jobs cuz of that stupid merger. At least we have diggnation and TWitand anyone who likes g4 has no brain.


This show is boring as hell,g4 just messed up a great channel ever since the original tss was broken thanks to g4.and whats up with the new name JESUS I'll rather name that the boring show,G4 trying to go to the pimp side its just g@y computers + pimp = terrible idea.


I agree. I stopped watching G4TechTV long ago, but the one ray of light was Extended Play, when Adam Sessler was hosting it (he's still hosting it, right?)

Tommy Tallarico is annoying and pretentious (of the games in his resume, the ones that stood out stood out for the gameplay and storyline, not for the music). Although, if his concert of video game music done symphonically was coming to the Pacific North West I might go see it, because I like the music but no, it's not even going to Seattle - which is not suprising since there are no places to put a big concert in Seattle. They don't even have a major league baseball stadium in the state to have the concert, much less a football stadium ;-)

But seriously folks, there is no good programming on G4TechTV anymore. They don't even have a good news show like ZDTV/TechTV had.

As it is, the Tech News Radio and TWiT podcasts (and /. of course), cover all my computer news needs.


What they need to do is go on to PBS. Not only will it get all the geek community on public broadcasting, but it will get a show like TSS with the gang a home. Plus everyone, cable or not, will be able to watch TSS (or something like it.)
Think of it, right after a show like Nova, or some show like that, you have Leo and Yoshi and etc all on.


Yeah it is really sad what happened to Leo and Patrick. With that said the Kevin Rose and Alex Albrecht incarnation wasn't that bad but AOTS is rather pitiful.

Scaper for life.


I do like the new AotS. Kevin's actually pretty funny, in a "I know way more than you, dumbass!" way, and you still find out about some cool stuff. The Feed tells me stuff I haven't heard off any sites yet, and who couldn't love Monday and Friday's HTF?

"So, Brick, you still having your golf tournament?"
"No, too many people died last year."



The only show worth watching on G4 anymore is X-Play. And sadly (through no fault of Adam or Morgan's) that show is also turning to poop. I used to love watching Screen Savers when Kevin Rose was on. That guy knew what he was talking about. Then Kevin *I'm the skinny tool from Areana* Pereira shows up and the whole thing turned to bilge.
For some reason they give this guy (who knows a next to nothing about what he's talking about, besides what he's read before the show) lines???? The guy is on, I think, 2 different shows on G4 and he is so obnoxious he's ruined even X-Play for me. Sorry, but giving this loser a hosting slot on areana not to mention TSS/AotS was probably the second worst thing to happen to Tech TV. The first being the merge with G4.


You all are nuts. Tech TV was boring! G4 is FUN!!!!

Pereira is hilarious! Sarah Lane is hotter than hell! This is the best show on TV!


^LMAO!!! Whatever dude.

You Can't Stop the Signal


Dear Dravun,
You comment has been noted and is appreciated as everyone has a right to their own opinion. But, if I may, a word of advice? When you go to make fun of someone, like Kevin, make sure you spell the name of the show they were on right. Especially if it is an easy word like Arena. And, one more thing, when was the last time you watched G4TV? Kevin isn't on Arena anymore. And please, feel free to correct me, but Arena hasn't been on in over a year, no? So really, it's not giving him two shows if one fails. Remember, Jon Stewart used to have a show on MTV that lasted for eight weeks. THAT SHOW SUCKED. But the Daily Show rocks. Same with Pereira.

G4TV 4life


The truth that no one has even bothered to mention is that TSS and AOTS are 2 entirely different shows. On the same note, Techtv and G4 are 2 entirely different networks. Techtv was a channel that spoke to the tech-savvy bunch. Thoes that wanted to know about firewalls, PDAs and iMac's. G4 is a videogame network. Plan and simple. With hints of tech news and tips. If you’re whinnying about how the quality of the shows isn’t as good as they use to be (in comparison to the old Techtv shows that is), well it’s because their not the same channel. Therefore, different shows!! Is it really that hard to comprehend? The network as shifted gears dramatically, as most stations do when their young. Look at UPN, it took them 13 years to finally get a show that was worthy of a Golden globe nod. Was that by choice? No. it’s because they were getting their footing, trying to find the right formula for themselves and their projected audience. G4…G4tv…G4techtv…Techtv…ziff media/Techtv…whatever it was and whatever it is now is merely a stage in the development of the station. It’s going through its growing pains so to speak.

So bottom line is that if you don’t like G4 or any of the shows on it, DON’T WATCH IT!! And most of all DON’T TALK CRAP ABOUT IT ON A FOURM! Your crying wont bring back Leo (although he is on G4 still…I guess none of you have seen “Call for help!”) and Kevin Rose is gone for good people (Kevin is doing what he wants to do and that’s a show solely about tech related subjects, not sure what its called. I think “Switch” but I can be totally wrong, in fact I know im wrong…correct me if you know). So get over it. And as for the whole TSS, AOTS thing. If you were in to your tech shows Leo still has “Call for help!” as ive already mentioned…AOTS is a great comedic show that revolves around “nerd-pop-culture”. So again, if you don’t like it DON’T WATCH IT!

Thank You!


The whole point is that G4techtv is not a video game/TECH SHOW network anymore! Its called false advertising! There is only 1 show dedicated to videogames! Everythig else got cancelled! I encourage everyone to cancel their subsrciption to this scam of a network! COMCAST IS FALSE ADVERTISING!


What about Judgement Day?

The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist.




damn. I assume the same goes for EP?

The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist.
