Favorite Line?

mine was "How am i supposed to gloat gleefully when you're driving like chimpanzee???"

Love Always, The Child of the Phantom.



"I may look cute and cuddley but inside Granite"!!

When the russian cat is being interogated...


"I want you to stay here"
"because I hate you."

Mr Tinkles & his right hand man.

Yawn, stretch. Snore.


when butch says: "son of my mom"


I love the

'I want you to stay here'
'Because I hate you'

and I also adore the 'Banzai' when all the cats are coming down...


Dark cloud? Is that what im calling my plan? Dark cloud?

Give me my bloody drugs


"Evil does not wear a bonnet!"

Heheh :)


Mine would have to be:

"Stand still, I need to crush you!"


I loved anything the Russian Blue said. Soooo cute and little, and this big booming Russian voice.

I even did an image search for the blue ones and got nothing...Nothing pleasant anyways.


"I think not, baby puppy!" and "That's an interesting philosophy, at what point did you forget THAT WE'RE TRYING TO TAKE OVER THE WORLD!!!"

Tell me little brother, have you ever killed a man?
So be it Jed i


Anything Mr. Tinkles said, but the best was "This isn't NASCAR!"


Russian Blue:
I think not baby puppy, it is you who is in trubble... From Russia with love. Stealth poop.
Piece of junk American Door
And this Tinkles is jerk, he talk too much and shed all over.
I wiil tell you nothing, I may look cute and cudly but inside, Granite.
Call me the Claw of Lin Chow. Lin Chow this.
See how happy you make him you make his heart go pooop
Congatdulations factory imploies this factory has been accident free for 45 min
Bad talking cat
I just wana hug Butch
Attila the Hun, I dont think so but he did have that furry hat


The " I want you to stay, why,because i hate you " part was funny


"You shall get your much deserved reward. 16 pounds of Monterey Jack and the continent of Australia!

If you find yourself in a pickle, just ask yourself....

What would Hiro do?


"I work hard... bring home de meow mix" hehe.

I love Lous lines,too.

Where's Jack, I cant leave without him.... *Jack getting chased by cannibals* Lets Go


There's so many, it's hard to pick just *one*. The scenario with the Russian Blue kitten was probably the funniest; but these were also memorable:

Puppy sibling (to Lou, in barn): "Back from your adventure so soon, Scooby-Doofus?"

Sam (to Butch): "Permission to pant heavily, Sir?"
Butch: "Permission granted!"
(Sam pants).

Sam (hair hanging in eyes): "I don't see 'em!"

Butch (to HQ Collie): "...He's still got his you-know-whats, for cryin' out loud!"

Butch (to Lou): "You can call yourself, 'Squiggy the Space-Dog' for all I care -- that doesn't make your bee-hind a rocket pack!"

Sam (re Butch): "Was that a compliment?... He never compliments me!"

Ivy (to Lou): "I prefer 'domestically-challenged'!"

Ivy (to Butch): "Remember that night under the full moon, just before our mission? You called me 'Lamb Chop' and I called you, 'Liver Snap'!"

Sam (to Peek): "The birds have flown the nest..."
Peek: "Huh?"
Sam: "...The jelly is out of the donut..."
Peek: "What??"
Sam (exasperated): "The family has gone somewhere!"

Secretary (to Mr. Mason/Tinkles): "Can I get you anything, sir?"
Mr. Tinkles: "Sushi and a quart of cream. Close the door!"

Mr. Tinkles (over PA system, to factory workers): "You are all fi-ired! That's right, FIRED! Go home now. Do not ask why. You have no one to blame but yourselves! Unless you have a dog -- then you can blame him! In fact, kick him, when you get home!" (Snickers) "That is all." (Returns to mic): "Catz rule!"

Cats running from tumbling barrels: "Am-scray!"

Mouse: "He ate Gary!"

Other than the lines, one of the funniest scenes to me is where the Professor is talking with his colleague on a bugged telephone, and you see Mr. Tinkles and his calico tabby 'sidecat' both listening in using the SAME pair of earphones! LOL! :D


I love all lines from Mr. Tinkles :)


I like the one where Mr Tinkles goes: "Whats the matter large marge, cat got your tongue?" just before she faints from shock



In the factory, Calico is operating a machine and complains about the slow productivity. I think he calls them union workers or something but I can't find a quote.


"Mr Tinkles where are you, oh there you are, where have you been I've been looking all over for you. *sniffs the kitty* ULGHHH Youra shtinky kitty!"

I always have to replay that part before I can watch anymore of the movie lol.


(Driving in the car with Mr. Mason)

Cat while driving: "LOOK OUT YOU LOOOONATICS!!!!!"

Mr. Tinkles: "I want you to stay here."
Calico: "Why?"
Mr. Tinkles: "Because I hate you."

And I love the end where they show Mr. Tinkles in all those funny little outfits that the maids made him.


"Son of my mom!"

"Son of a..."
[Time Travel]


mr tinkles all the way.

"closer, closer, turn the camera over, WHERE DID YOU COME FROM!"



My daughter and I both love this movie. We entertain each other quoting the Russian Blue's lines to each other:

"Piece of junk, American door!"

"I cannot believe I do this job for half price. And Mr. Tinkle, he a jerk. He talk too much and shed all over."

"What do they know? I work hard, bring home the Meow Mix!"

"owwwww" (after Prof. Brody slams door open)

And my favorite (at ball field as the Brodys are gassed): Cats rule, cats rule, da-da-da-da, da-da-da-da, oh, yeah, we kick butt!!"

My 15-year-old and I get the giggles every time!



Mine: If I'm going to he a secret agent, I should have a better name. I was thinking: Toto Annihilation!
