Cats or Dogs?

On the film Cats&dogs, which side did you like better and why

I thought the Dogs were the best coz they were soooo cute

Im more of a dogs person


DOGS!! Dogs are much better than cats!




Dogs kick butt!! =)


No, no...dogs SNIFF butt.


lol i actually love the dogs and am a dog person but i gota say the cats in this movie are by far the funniest :)


Cat person here.

And purrr-oud.

Sleep all day. Party all night. Never grow old. Never die. It's fun to be a vampire.





CATS!! They were so cool even though they were evil!

There's someone in my head...but it's not me


The cats rocked!!! I loved Mr. Tinkle!!!! sorry!!! Sxxxxxxxxx



yeah lets just bring back the girl that kisses everybody!




I have a cat and he's soooo i'll go with dogs cause the're fun (are all cats as lazy as mine? :(

No matter how dark the night, day always comes, and the journey continues






No. Not all. My mom used to have a cat that would actually "talk" and play with us. Cats being lazy is just a sterotype.


We have a siamese that speak meowamese to us. She is very people oriented. She just doesn't like a lot of petting.

Our dog Peago is a great dog. He likes to grunt to tell us how he is feeling.


Dogs all the way! Dogs rule!! The dogs in this movie were cute, while the cats looked freaky. Maybe 'cause the cats were mostly played by puppets? Cats are good too^^


Russian cats only they rock!



I don't know. Cats are cute but they're pretty useless animals. Dogs may not be as smart, but they are much more usefull. Not to mention much more obediant. Most of the cats I know just sleep, eat, and crap. Thats pretty much all they do.



As a crazy woman who owns cats I will have to go for them.

I would like to see a film in which cats win. They lost in this movie, they lost in Stuart Little :( - it just isn't fair :)





Yeah it's always annoying to see a cat be protrayed as evil or to lose or be stupid. (Stuart Little, Cats and Dogs, Cinderella [Lucifer], etc)


I've seen cat sized dogs fight cats and win. The cats are at more of an advantage because they have teeth and claws(they go for the eyes with them) and dogs just have teeth, but dogs are tough. I'd place my money on a dog in a dog vs. cat fight anyday.


I am a big dog fan, but dogs never beat cats one on one, they are far too fast usually they claw the dog's face up and the dog runs away. My cat would kick any dog's ass, that being said I like my dogs better.


I am a CAT person.

"All records are not made to be broken." -- Karl Malone


Dogs Rock!


Both are nice.
But dogs are the best.


Cats easily, they are proven to be more human than Dogs. Though both have advantages and disadvantages. Cats to me have more advantages and I'm a cat lover. People underate cats, they are lovely creatures. :)


I like both cats and dogs but I prefer cats (though I'm a little allergic to them) because they are way smarter and cleaner than dogs. Wheareas dogs obey blindly even to bad masters, they are disliked by some races, they have a stinking drool and doggy smell as well as they can crap anywhere they want while the cats go to their specific spot. And I think the movie could have been better if that stupid scientist invented another fomula that cures cat allergies besides dogs!


I like both but I like dogs better because they are more playful and don't spend all day licking themselves or sleeping.Although every cat I've ever had has been quite playful.However,cats are more clean.



Where is it proven they're more human than dogs? To me, dogs have much more human personality than most cats =D


as the old proverb goes:

Feed a cat for three years, it forgets after three days.
Feed a dog for three days, it won't forget for three years.

Dogs all the way :D.


Because cats know the human nature.

Ich bin kein ausgeklügelt Buch, ich bin ein Mensch mit seinem Widerspruch.
Conrad Ferdinand Meyer


Love cats. Especially black ones.

People mainly love dogs because of their loving personality and cuteness, and that cats are boring. Cats are just dignified, and are beautiful in a peaceful way.

Not that I have anything against dogs; I have one. But I just love cats WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY more.


cats ruled though the producers don't know that. sooper cool the ninjas and the russian kitty (and tinkles ofcourse)


Dogs RULE! (mostly Lou):)


I like dogs much better than cats, even though dogs are more gross than cats. I heard cats dig a hole in the ground and they poo in it, and they cover it with ground again. Near my house there are lots of dog poo...


I'm more of a cat person, though I love dogs too.



I love cats a lot more. Dogs can be hard to potty train and cats are basically born to poo in a litterbox. And they're so much smarter! Dogs can be so dumb at times. Not all cats are lazy either. I have two cats, one is fat and lazy for part of the day, but he runs around the house a lot too. The other cat just doesn't lay down until night. She's always running around and exploring. And they can be just as obedient as dogs. My cats come to me all the time and one of them defends me. If you want to see a cat at full potential, I suggest you get two of them that get along, or just a cat that gets along with dogs and will play with them. Giving them a bit of catnip can be extremely fun to watch too. I do love dogs too, they can be sweet at times, yet so hard to train too.


That's because they are hunters and have to hide their scent.
Dogs try to cover up too, they scratch up some dirt after they poo but are not att all efficiant. They lost the teqhnique over time without having to hunt.
