Wooow Michelle

Woah. Holy sh*t. That episode went in a completely unexpected, shocking way. I figured Mari would be the one to go going into tribal, but sh*t. I was so sure she was going to last a while. Her edit last week was strong, and she seemed like she was in so good today. She WOULD have been a strategic threat. The most surprising part of it is that Michelle, who seemed like a non-entity last week, came to play! I love that kind of risky gameplay, and she managed to do it while having a seemingly very low-key, quiet demeanor that may help her. At least I hope it does, she's become my new favorite. She also looks so much like Parvati, and now the perception I have of her is ingrained. I definitely don't like Figgy or Taylor much, but I do like her a lot so good for her. I like Zeke and Adam so much and I hope they're not next. Michaela is an awful player. If you're already going to vote with Figgy and her group, why piss her off more? She's so dumb and not particularly likable.

Over on the Gen X, thank god no one left. Also, Dave and Ken! I love that twosome alliance, and it's about the most unexpected twosome I could have imagined. Ken talking about how he's a little socially shy and awkward made me fall in love with him. Just my type.

Greeeeat episode, very surprising, way better than last week. I'm happy to have such a player in Michelle, but I'm sad for Mari. She had soooo much potential. I wish they had shown us more about why they targeted her. For them to realize how much of a strategic threat she was this early is crazy, simply because people usually leave this early due to not performing in challenges or causing to much drama and not being liked.

"You also believe that boyhood was well written so im not sure i can put much stock in your beliefs"


yeah, so far liking her the best.


Greeeeat episode, very surprising, way better than last week.

I agree. Last week's episode was boring so I thought this would be a boring season. But this week's episode was a great episode with a great blindside.

And based on the preview clip for next week, it looks like Zeke is going to throw a hissy fit about being blindsided, which is stupid. When you get outwitted like that, you shouldn't throw a hissy fit and isolate yourself even further from the majority of the tribe. Just suck it up, acknowledge that you got outwitted, and try to re-establish some trust and loyalty so that you don't get targeted next.

