Winner Pick?

So who's your choice to win? I'm going with Zeke. He had a strong and fairly positive edit and may go far.

For the record my only other picks that have won are Rich, Earl, Denise, Tony, and Jeremy. I came close with Colby, Stephen, Chase, Coach (s23), Sabrina, Monica, and Aubry.


Zeke. Though after watching this show for many years, Michelle's one confessional this episode was....really interesting. She's one player that I am really curious about.

Oh it's like slang. From...England


Michaela. Followed by Chris.

I don't think Zeke has a chance. He'll make jury, but nothing about his edit says winner. Guys like him never get to the end. And he had way too much screentime this early to be a winner.


I felt the same way, AmericanUltra. I mean he'd be cool, but the edit he got seemed rather, well, focused to the point where he'd probably find his footing and not making to the end still. Then again we did have mike who ate the scorpion on the first episode for Worlds Apart I think

One little Indian boy left all alone;
He went out and hanged himself and then there were none


Zeke is a joke. No way will he win.


Knowing that Zeke and Michaela are on season 34, and knowing the tribe divisions, my prediction is Zeke. And since that season is called Game Changers, Michaela makes a big move this season.


Oh that's a pretty neat finding. I guess it was hinted that both of those mentioned names would be capable of doing something big (each in their own way) so now I have something to look forward to, although I guess that means neither of them won? Well, they have winners on there, I guess I just figure Michaela or Zeke might end up coming up short

One little Indian boy left all alone;
He went out and hanged himself and then there were none


Every time they've done an all-stars season, they've always had 4 previous winners on the cast. And in Season 34, Tony, Sandra, and J.T, are on the season. Tony, Sandra, and Michaela are on the same tribe, and J.T and Zeke are on the same tribe. That's why I think Zeke won, not Michaela. It wouldn't make sense to have three winners on the same tribe, and just one on the other.


Nah, I think it's the opposite. Zeke will be a huge character, and Michaela will win

I think you're over thinking the s34 tribe divisions. Then again, that's expected of you. Zeke got way too much airtime too early to win. Way too much.


Michaela will win
3 winners on one tribe is unlikely
I think you're over thinking the s34 tribe divisions. Then again, that's expected of you.
Not sure what you mean by that.
Zeke got way too much airtime too early to win
So did Parv in s16, Tony in s28, and Mike in s30. So that means nothing


In All-Stars the previous winners were distributed 2-2-0 across the tribes. I know you can't equally divide 4 by 3, but don't you think they would have done it 2-1-1 if they were concerned with balance?

Plus it's always been 2 men and 2 women (Rich/Tina/Ethan/Jenna; Sandra/Tom/Parvati/JT) so I'd give Michaela the edge.

Melissa: Is there an F5?
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Or neither of them won, I heard Natalie A dropped out at the last minute.


I am not sure it is either. There is some talk that Natalie A was supposed to go and that she gave up in the last moment and that is why Sierra is there. So I don't think their involvement in 34 means much.


Yeah well Sierra and Hali are "gamechangers" too apparently so I wouldn't necessarily put too much stake in that label.


Agree. This doesn't signify anything. And for all we know, neither of them win.


Michaela or Michelle from milennials and Jessica from Gen x. I think it's going to be another female winner, in any event.


You want us to pick after 1 episode? I can tell you who I like, which means they don't have a shot at winning, so I'll keep that private for now. Because everyone I liked with a few exception have never won. I liked in the past Ozzy, Stephanie L., Amanda (close twice), Rupert, Sugar and Spencer. And, there are 2 that I hope never return. Phillip and Johnny Fairplay. I couldn't stand Phillip's arrogance and laughed at him being totally clueless and how much the other players disliked him. Never cared for Rob very much over the years but screamed when he won, so loud I scared my neighbors.


It's better than picking before the show starts like a lot of people do, because you've had one episode to feel each person out pretty much.


My pick is Mari.


You have won the jackpot. She was eliminated just now.


I know haha. I'm still surprised thiugh at the moronic decision. Sure lets keep a showmance who will never vote each other out, that everyoneknows is tight with another quasi-showmance. Hannah is the worst offender because she switched votes even thiugh Michelle wouldn't even give her a reason.


I'm thinking it might be a finale with a mixture of both tribes. The way they seem to be going, I think there's going to be a lot of flip flopping after the merge.

But I think after the merge The Millenials will bond with Dave if he lasts long and he'll bring somebody from the Gen-X tribe in with a few Millenials.

So I don't know who could win from the Gen-X, but I think Michelle and Hannah could make the end. I'd add Michaela to that, but she's got a big mouth and no poker face whatsoever. Lol

I'd like it if Michaela made it to the end and even win.


After episode 2, I'm still going with Michaela. I don't think got a very relevant edit this episode.
