MovieChat Forums > Survivor (2000) Discussion > 2 ASIANS booted in a ROW?? They're doing...

2 ASIANS booted in a ROW?? They're doing terrible lately...

Asians are not doing well on Survivor lately...🐹


Kinda like how in Big Brother, the Hispanic houseguests were evicted first.

RIP Lucy

Don't Jûdgê a Boôk by Its Movîe


I still think Lucy will do well.


or dating reality shows where its the blacks 

Wishing that heroes, they truly exist (since 2000)


Or cooking reality shows it's the whites 

Wishing that heroes, they truly exist (since 2000)


Asians not doing well lately? Tai made it to the finals last season.


Was just telling this to hubby. CBS/Survivor basically sets up minorities to fail (when they even bothering casting any). When they do cast a person of color, you can darn sure bet they're going to be that "one" tribe token aka "FIRST TARGET". Notice how CeCe was on the block right there with Rachel? And one of the dipish millinies said Michaela was the next "easy target".. hmmm wonder why?

And where are the hunky brown and black men? Why not make at least 40-50% of the cast people of color (don't forget the sexy hot ones!) Let's make it a game! Maybe I'll put it back on my DVR, but I'm tired already.

And, I deplore this pasty, old decrepit Gen X tribe. (Except for Ken doll) most are out of shape, weird, dull or of the reddish neck variety. They definitely don't represent my contemporaries. We were, and still are quite a cool and dynamic generation.


> And one of the dipish millinies said Michaela was the next "easy target".. hmmm wonder why?

Because she's being abrasive and painting a target on her own back?

Naw, that's can't be it. Go ahead and play the race card, that's the only possible reason.



And one of the dipish millinies said Michaela was the next "easy target"

I noticed (and was surprised by) that too. I also noticed that she did not react to it. I would have at least questioned why that was said.

Very strange season.

You have meddled with the primal forces of nature, and YOU ... WILL ... ATONE!


It wasn't even true.

Michaela was in the majority alliance and the only people who would've voted for her were the people who were vying for her vote (the Populars).

Don't Jûdgê a Boôk by Its Movîe
