What Why Who

So outta nowwhere let's vote out the Gamer Nerd who hasn't done anything cause we wanna keep the slut. That's high school logic. I'm a millennial but 95% of their tribe is stupid. Mari would have helped vs Gen X. Feggy will coast to the end if she gets there.


Yup, so far so dumb

Ball me Blazer.


Seemed like it shouldve been straight forward. Zeke really messed up it seems by telling Jay the vote was going on Figgy and Michaela would be next (did zeke actually say that?). Michaela acted accordingly as long as the majority was with that vote.

Don't see why Will went away from voting out Figgy. I don't see an advantage for him in sticking with the tri-force and michelle.


IIRC they said once Figgy was gone Michaela might join their group, and if she didn't, she would be next gone.
