MovieChat Forums > Survivor (2000) Discussion > What is wrong with millennials generatio...

What is wrong with millennials generation

'As millennials, we are all over the map, no one has just a regular job and I think it's amazing'

And I, myself, am a millennial, with a regular job...not that uncommon. these people bragging about not having real jobs is ridiculous and makes the whole generation look bad

Love tropical short guy for calling it like it is!


WTF is a "real" job. Look, I'm in Gen-X and any job where you make money is a real job. Just because it's something I wouldn't do doesn't change the fact that it's a job. A lot of te Millennials btw are really young and perhaps have had a chance to find a career. I mean that one Gen-Xer, the TV writer, talked about how he worked foe 14 years to achieve his dream and that he didn't think Millennials had the patients for that, that they would find a new dream. Well I got news for him, there is nothing wrong with changing your dream if you realize it isn't going to work out with your other dream.


talked about how he worked foe 14 years to achieve his dream and that he didn't think Millennials had the patients for that, that they would find a new dream.

The Millennials are doctors?

BTW is 80 in your username your birth year?


Nope. They don't have the patients for it.


It's no different than gen x'ers bragging they work so hard, when so many of them feed off the system.


Lets not forget that Boomers accused them of the same things and the Greatest Generation said the same about Boomers.


Lets not forget that Boomers accused them of the same things and the Greatest Generation said the same about Boomers.

Exactly. Thanks, Doc80.

The early Baby Boomers were called hippies and flower children and the later Boomers were called The ME Generation. RocknRoll All Nite and Party Every Day.

What were these "hard-working" Generation Xers called back in the '90s? Yep, they were the "Slacker Generation". Hero: Kurt Cobain. Whatever. Never mind.


Eventually, we all become that "get off my lawn!" neighbor.


Eventually, we all become that "get off my lawn!" neighbor.

Except Clint Eastwood. He was born like that since infancy.


I was talking with my dad about this, he's a late Boomer (1957) and it is something that happens every generation. The generation has kids and they say that "we weren't like that in my day" and the truth of the matter is they probably were to one extent or another. It's called being young and full of hopes and dreams.

I was also thinking about this earlier too that the Gen-Xers are bitching about the Millennials and the funny thing is they are, in many ways, responsible for how they view them. The reason some Millennials are the way they are is because they were raised with the "everyone is special" mentality. Gen-X, when they became parents, are the ones that started that whole thing. So if you grow up hearing you are special and getting praise for every little thing you do, you would probably end up like some of these Millennials too.

I also think the Greatest Generation has a hand in this too. The reason for this is because they grew up in a time where their family had to scrape by or sacrifice quite a bit, either because of the Depression of the war. So when times were good they spent and spent and tried to give their kids all the stuff they didn't have growing up. This idea then passed to their kids and when they started having kids, they had to go even further so then you end up with a generation of kids who were given everything while growing up and that is just how they think the world works because they weren't taught any other way


All that you say is insightful, Doc80.

A realization that neither social situations nor people stay the same through time. There is always change and thus adaptation to the changes. You may become your parents OR you may become the opposite of your parents. It depends on a lot of things.


I am not sure, I am also a millennial, but those guys were just... I am mostly talking about that trio, Taylor, Figgy and Jay. I was like wtf... The rest are mostly fine...


Those three will have a three-way like good Millennials and it'll be revealed at the reunion that they're currently in a "totes sweet relayshe, bro; it's, like, a love-fest of gnarly proportions, bro."

Just a wannabe-writer writing


The producers basically picked the worst examples of Millennials.

I'm also a Millennial (but LOATHE calling myself that) and I work a "real" job, whatever that means. As does my partner. We're 9 to 5ers who work 40 hour weeks.

The big moments are gonna come. You can't help that. It's what you do afterwards that counts.


The term real job was actually created by previous generations, in regards to thinking that was the only way to earn a living. Not sure why millennials are getting flack for saying something that's already been used.


I was under the impression "Real Job" means things like "Office Job" "9 to 5" "Behind a desk" while these people are video gamers and missionary workers and snowboard instructors.


If that's a real job I'd rather be dead. I can't handle work like that and I have done 9 - 5 work in the past and it is soul crushing. No thanks.


I'm sure at one point in our lives we've had soul crushing jobs. I now see it as a comical point in my life, and a good learning experience to never go back to that level of work.


That's my point. I'm never going back unless I have no other choice.


"Real job" means a steady job you can plan your life on and get paid regularly if you simply show up to work everyday and do what's required. It could be an office job, a post office job, a teaching job, a doctor, lawyer, etc.

The world has changed so that "real jobs" aren't as reliable as they used to be so today's people have to improvise.

Judging people for how they earn their living is silly. NO one should feel ashamed for having a "real job" or an "out of the box" job.


Gen Xer that prefers to work with millennials over say boomers, and they are some of the hardest workers in our company. They picked the biggest losers they could find, they picked people that fit the bad stereotypes. Including Gen X stereotypes. we were once called the loser generation, lazy, entitled, never amount to anything, cynical arsehats. We were the end of civilization, taking down America while dressed in plaid and Doc martians. Now they say we are ladders climbers that want the picket fence with structure & the hardest workers lol.


Realistically, the "we" and "they" doesn't exist because everyone is an individual. There are many people from both generations that don't relate to anything the people on this show is talking about or does in real life. There's a larger superficial ideology, but in day to day life, there's not one description that fits everyone.


They're just playing up the stereotypes for the show. Realistically, the majority of millennials have "real" jobs. The producers just made sure to hire some people with uncommon jobs.
