MovieChat Forums > Survivor (2000) Discussion > Michelle, Mikaela, and Figgy are the one...

Michelle, Mikaela, and Figgy are the ones to watch out for..

What a great gameplay. Especially Michelle. Loved the blind side.


That trash figgy is a bully. They should have gotten rid of her.


Agreed. Here's hoping her foolish tribe mates will wise up and vote out that smirking b soon. Doesn't seem likely, though, as they already had a primo chance.


I'd say Michelle and Michaela more.

Figgy didn't really do much for herself.

Don't Jûdgê a Boôk by Its Movîe


Figgy is lucky to have Michelle and Jay.


I hope Michelle ditches those 2. Can't stand them.



Michelle is easier to read than Michaela. O think Michaela is more dangerous long term.


Agree. I think Michelle and M<ichaela will be a good person/bad person team.


I would love to see Michelle and Michaela team up in the long run.


Michaela is in the season 34 as well. So I'm thinking she makes a game changing move.


Yes, Jay and Michelle really stood up for Figgy today. Hannah did, too, though she didn't know quite why. Figgy owes them all big time, imo.


Terrible move for Michelle and Mikaela. As everyone pointed out, Figgy and Taylor are a couple and they will vote as a block. Always break up the couple.

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Manipulating really stupid people isn't great game play.

Great game play is when you can play other good players. That didn't occur in this latest episode.


I don't think Figgy is someone to really worry about; not yet anyway. Mikaela is coming off as a big mouth, so I think she is going to paint a target on her back. Michelle though is definitely someone to worry about. From what I saw she was basically able to flip the vote from Figgy to Mari.


Michaela was only a big mouth to Figgy, who wholeheartedly deserved it. But Michaela is always thinking. She's more dangerous than Michelle.


Michelle seems to have the trust of both groups. Michaela is seen as someone who causes problems. Didn't Zeke say that Michaela was going next? I don't see how she is more least not yet.


Considering she probably wins, I'd say she's dangerous.

No, I don't recall Zeke saying she was next. Maybe it's one of the many things you imagined.

Michelle will for sure be blindsided around early jury stage.

Nobody has any issues with Michaela, except Figgy. And nobody really likes Figgy. And Michaela still managed to get Figgys trust, after making her look bad.


just rewatched. Zeke is talking to Jay with Adam in the background. He says we get out Figgy, hopefully Michaela will fall in line but if not...and jay interrupts and says, she goes next...and Zeke says, yeah.

so yeah. i was right. you were wrong.

Considering she probably wins sounds like you're reading spoilers. Try to keep that to yourself.
