MovieChat Forums > Survivor (2000) Discussion > The millenials look like teenage hippies

The millenials look like teenage hippies

We're doomed


Definitely a very stereotypical sampling they found which I get for the theme of the show. But I can promise you that we are not all like that!


I know that. In my job I work with many millenials and almost all are like none of these cretins. These people are infantiles.


What exactly is it the millennials are doing wrong on this show? Just because they dress a certain way or talk a certain way isn't a valid reason to call them cretins. You don't know them personally. Why are you judging solely because they are millennials? You sound old and bitter. Typical with what's wrong with the Gen X gen.

I'm not crazy, I just don't give a fṷck!


This how it is with every younger generation coming up. I am 60, and everyone thought the Gen-X ers were a bunch of good-for-nothings when they were much younger, too.

I am a Baby Boomer, right in the middle of the Boomers, which range from 1947 to 1963. So Paul could be considered a late Boomer or an early GenX.

The Hippies of the late 1960's were the Boomers born 1947-1950. They preached "Sex Drugs & Rock n Roll" and were much more aggressive about it than todays Milennials! I was a little young for that, but I remember it clearly. The older generation hated the Hippies. Not everyone in that age range was a Hippie of course.

The Milennials will find their way, discard what doesn't work, and push harder at what does work. The planet will go on.

Gee Woodle, Space Kadoodle!


Yeah, middle age beats everybody's ass into submission. Lol


Most of them don't look or act like adults. If you can't see it then it's probably because you act or look the same.


Meant for Scream queen


On the way to TC my wife said it looked like they were going to Burning Man.


The word 'hipsters' originated from 'hippies'

Sounds about right, especially with Zeke

Wishing that heroes, they truly exist (since 2000)


Honestly, for male millennials none of them have enough facial hair. If you were to randomly gather a bunch of male millennials together anywhere in the US today I feel like at most 2 wouldn't have anytype of facial hair.


Taylor looks like a dreamy version of Shaggy.

"Like zoinks, ha ha, this is pretty scary. Let's get out of here, Fig!"

