MovieChat Forums > Survivor (2000) Discussion > Next ep: CeCe kills several tribemates.

Next ep: CeCe kills several tribemates.

Okay -- just an attempt at hyperbolic humor, but ...

She received three votes in the first TC and I could see the anger building. So, it'll be interesting the next day's GenX camp. If she doesn't cool it, she might be the next to go -- even before sniveling Dave.

You have meddled with the primal forces of nature, and YOU ... WILL ... ATONE!


She's definitely in trouble. They gave her votes over Dave and she wasn't in the "six" that someone (Jessica?) mentioned as majority. I think Dave is going to get the Cochran edit and make it further than anyone expects, unfortunately.


Cochran on SP. Not Caramoan. No way this dude wins.


Cece lost a ton of weight, so it's likely she goes far.


CeCe is going to be going in for the kill hopefully


I don't get the three that voted for her... she seemed confused also.

I really think its racism.

"Live Fast, Die Young"


They didn't show us much of her so I don't know how she is. Like someone else said on another thread, maybe there's a reason she's not being shown much . They sure made a big deal of her expressions at tribal council. Maybe she'll start strategizing with the other less influential people, maybe she'll go ballistic, who knows.

I don't get any impression that she's a mean person, though.


Everyone assuming she will go crazy are showing their racism.

She has not shown any signs of being a loud black woman. She was rather soft spoken. And she didn't look mad as much as confused.

"Live Fast, Die Young"


And people who freely accuse others of racism are often silly, adolescent little SJWs. Your avatar pic aroused the suspicion, your posts confirmed it.

You have meddled with the primal forces of nature, and YOU ... WILL ... ATONE!


I love when people hurl the SJW insult like its sooooo clever and meaningful. It's so overdone. Try harder with your bigotry and misogyny. At least be creative.


Agreed. There's no reason to be racist against single Jewish women in this day and age!


Agreed. I've watched her interviews, she seems like.a very down to earth, likable woman. And she must have gotten along with everyone,because she seemed genuinely shocked that she was getting votes.


Yeah. I don't blame her for looking mad or confused at tribal council, though.


^ This. It's the Survivor way. (Singular/isolated) Token (AKA target out)!


CeCe is good at keeping her mouth shout.....FOR NOW, but she certainly has the looks that kill. Not a happy camper.



Cece was very calm and understated tonight -- no rancor, no "why did you vote for me?" I was surprised, and somewhat glad to be wrong.

You have meddled with the primal forces of nature, and YOU ... WILL ... ATONE!
