MovieChat Forums > Survivor (2000) Discussion > Why aren't they showing Lucy??

Why aren't they showing Lucy??

Two episodes, and not one confessional. Either she's the most forgettable person, production is really messed up, or she is the most in unobvious winner ever.

I mean, according to spoilers, she has been strategizing with her alliance of Cece, Ken and Dave. Why not show that?

Lucy seems feisty, and she's more interesting than Jessica. Why not give her airtime?


because she's not part of the story (at least at the moment) and she's probably not good at narrating (at least at this moment).


But that's the thing, she is. She's in there strategizing as much as anyone else on that tribe.


how do you know? Even if she is, she hasn't been part of the story.

The main people we've seen in Gen X is Paul-seen as the leader of the group and had some sort of health episode. (really only shown episode 2)

David-neurotic wackadoo who seems to be good at giving confessionals and found the idol. takes up majority of gen x time

Rachel-voted out of first episode so had to show her. only episode 1

Brett and Chris- showing a bro alliance-only episode 1

Jessica-found the advantage-only episode 1

CiCi-got votes cast against her-only episode 1

Ken-outsider who aligned with David and was shown the idol-only episode 2

that leaves Sunday and Lucy. Sunday has had like 1 or 2 confessionals. Lucy has had none. Maybe nothing of interest is being said.




Purple Lucy Wiglesworth:(

I think she'll become more visible, though. They had to establish the David/Ken/CeCe vs Team Paul divide in the last episode, and she's probably on Team Paul, but the switch/split will change everything.


No, she's aligned with Ken and Cece. Did you not read that in my original comment?


Missed that part of her post. Well, that is interesting. Team Paul is super lame so far.


Your* I hate imdb mobile


She is getting the edit of someone who makes it far (mid jury to top 5) but isn't going to win. There are people who get these edits all the time. Last year julia pretty much had that edit. She had so little air time the first half of the season. She only got airtime when it came to her going to brawn beach and talking about that. I imagine lucy will be similar


Are you joking? Julia had one of the most prominent edits all season long in Kaoh Rong. So much so, she was predicted the winner by many fans. Also, Julia had a very realistic chance at winning, had she possibly made F3.


This is a good thing. Wont be voted off anytime soon. I haven't heard of a pre merge boot who is completely invisible for two episodes then gets booted in the third or fourth episode.


I cannot answer why not. I sure wish they would, though. It's too early to really make a judgment call, but I felt the first episode editing was poorly handled in how they forced the Dave v. Rachel thing, when the votes made it more out to be a Cece v. Rachel thing.

I understand that the producers want to tell a story, but if they force a story, then it cheapens it, IMHO.


I feel like the editing is really poor so far.
