MovieChat Forums > Survivor (2000) Discussion > You need to pull the bunny out of the ha...

You need to pull the bunny out of the hat . . .

. . . you just can't walk in with the bunny.

Based on this quote alone, Michaela is the only Millenial I'm expecting great things from!


She does seem to have her head on her shoulders. I like her.


It's funny because I liked her in episode 1, she had no dialogue at all and seemed to just be in the background, so I feared that a lack of screen-time might mean she'd be an early elimination.

In the premiere, I couldn't find a single person on either tribe that I liked at all, but then I saw Michaela in the background, giving these great facial expressions whenever some of her tribe mates would say stupid things(which happens a lot), and suddenly I had someone I liked.

Still, there are certain contestants in past games that I liked at first because of their attitude, but then ended up hating them as the season progressed, so I hope that doesn't happen with Michaela. We'll have to wait and see.


I completely agree. I'm not sure why but I found her confessionals this episode practically speaking what was on my mind, which happens pretty rarely. I'm hoping she manages to stay a while.

One little Indian boy left all alone;
He went out and hanged himself and then there were none


Despite her clashing with Figgy, I feel like Michaela is getting a positive edit.


I'm rooting for Shrooms. Just because he is so entertaining to watch.

Grant discovered raptor eggs in Jurassic Park
